Florida Makes Hunting with Firearms Silencers Legal, Hearing Safety The Big Winner

Hunting with Firearms Silencers
Hunting with Firearms Silencers
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Florida – -(Ammoland.com)- At their meeting in Key Largo, Florida, today, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted to remove the ban on using silencers or suppressors on pistols and rifles for hunting deer, gray squirrels, rabbits, wild turkeys, quail and crows.

Using silencers/suppressors on pistols, rifles and shotguns for all other legal hunting was already allowed.

Following the suppressor vote, the Commission also voted to authorize an Executive Order to lift the ban immediately and allow hunting with suppressors to being at once.

Following that vote, Executive Order # EO 14-32 was signed. Using suppressor-equipped rifles, pistols and shotguns is now legal for all hunting in Florida.