Five Reasons to Take a Cow Elk While Hunting
MISSOULA, Mont.—-( crosshairs shift undecidedly between a raghorn bull and a big cow, both standing broadside at 60 yards.
The elk tag in your pocket makes both animals legal.
Which one do you shoot?
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation offers 5 reasons to consider taking the cow:
- Reducing a herd to fit the carrying capacity of its winter range is a form of habitat
conservation. Culling a calf-producer is more effective population control. Wildlife agencies
issue either-sex tags specifically to encourage hunter harvest of cows. - Letting young bulls walk improves your odds for a big, mature bull next year.
- A more abundant bull population tends to be older which can improve efficiency of the rut.
Result: more bulls surviving winter, higher pregnancy rates in cows, fewer late calves and
better overall herd health. - A less abundant cow population tends to be younger, more vigorous and resistant to diseases.
- As tablefare, cows and calves are generally better.
Hunting remains the primary wildlife management tool today, vital for balancing elk populations within biological and cultural tolerances, says David Allen, Elk Foundation president and CEO.
“Habitat conservation, sound management, good hunting, healthy wildlife—they’re all tied together. And, more and more, adequate harvest of cow elk is becoming a factor. If you have an either-sex elk tag this fall, consider letting young bulls go and filling your freezer with a fat cow,” he said.
RMEF this summer passed the 5.6 million acre mark in habitat conserved or enhanced.
About the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation:
Snowy peaks, dark timber basins and grassy meadows. RMEF is leading an elk country initiative that has conserved or enhanced habitat on over 5.6 million acres—a land area equivalent to a swath three miles wide and stretching along the entire Continental Divide from Canada to Mexico. RMEF also works to open, secure and improve public access for hunting, fishing and other recreation. Get involved at or 800-CALL ELK.