California – -( The biggest gun news of the week comes to us from our very own California Department of Justice. Round, one of the anticipated ammunition regulations, was just published, so check out the links we have to both the actual text, plus details on how and where to participate in the public comment process.
On Friday, November 14th, 2018, the California Department of Justice released what the first set of regulations governing ammunition registration is. Why is it evident that this is the first set? Because they fail to cover multiple aspects of how law-abiding citizens will be able to purchase ammunition from Licensed Ammunition Vendors in California.
The proposed regulations are the negative consequence of 2016’s Proposition 63 and SB 1235, both of which mandated limits on the sale of/registration of ammunition. Click here to read the full Department of Justice Regulations for Ammunition Purchases and Transfers.
As is required by law, the release of these regulations opens a period for written public comment between now and January 31, 2019. The Department has also scheduled two public hearings, in Los Angeles on January 29th, 2019, and in Sacramento on January 30th. During these hearings, the public will be allowed to comment on the proposed regulations but don’t be fooled into thinking there will be an open dialogue with the DOJ. Department officials do not respond verbally to questions in the hearings but are required to reply in writing. Gun Owners of California has attended many such hearings, and it is an exercise in frustration – most definitely something akin to an official Kabuki dance. For details on the public comment period for the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, click here. We encourage all interested parties to participate in this process. For information on public participation in the regulatory process, click here.
Gun Owners of California believes that such regulations place only minor speed bumps in the criminal acquisition of ammunition and will do so at the expense of the rights of lawful gun owners. More details will be forthcoming as our legal team deciphers the regulatory language.
Also worthy of note are two excellent studies – one that shows no relationship between CCW holders and violent crimes, and one from prominent researcher John Lott, who reveals interesting data on mass shootings outside the USA.
And, as Christmas and the New Year approaches, Gun Owners of California extends our heartiest wishes for a healthy, happy and blessed holiday season. It is our humble prayer that our weary world will, indeed, find the thrill of Hope that comes at Christmas.
About Gun Owners of California:
Gun Owners of California is the toughest fighting pro-gun organization in California. We spend 100% of our time fighting for the Second Amendment at the Capitol and electing pro-gun members to the legislature. We do not compromise when it comes to promoting your gun rights!