First California Quail Forever Chapter Forms

First California Quail Forever Chapter Forms
San Bernardino group joins Quail Forever and its mission to create habitat for quail and other wildlife.

Quail Forever
Quail Forever

Hesperia, Calif. –-( The first-ever Quail Forever chapter in California has formed in San Bernardino County. Known as the High Desert Quail Forever chapter, the group is a compilation of hunters and conservationists who want to improve habitat for California quail and other arid desert wildlife.

As a Quail Forever chapter, the High Desert group will utilize Quail Forever’s local approach to wildlife habitat conservation. Unlike other national conservation organizations, Quail Forever gives local Quail Forever chapters the ability to decide how 100 percent of their fundraised dollars are spent.

This local control gives chapters and members the ability to make things happen for habitat in their communities, while belonging to a national organization that gives wildlife and conservation a voice in Washington, D.C.

“With support from area residents, we have a great chance to create wildlife oases in southern California,” said Cruz Garcia, a Hesperia resident and president of High Desert Quail Forever. “Our efforts will be focused on the building and repair of water guzzlers and natural springs which support wildlife in the arid regions of California. Not only does the water provide a valuable drinking source for wildlife, but it’s necessary to create vegetation needed by quail broods to survive.”

Many High Desert Quail Forever members have experience volunteering for conservation organizations, and have worked closely in the past with the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the California Department of Fish and Game to establish habitat improvements within the Mojave National Preserve, Victor Valley and numerous other public areas. “Quail Forever is extremely happy to have the High Desert chapter as part of our organization, and the first ever chapter in California,” said Ryan Storm, Quail Forever regional representative for the state. “The conservation-minded personalities of the new chapter leaders sets a great example, and we’re hoping other conservationists in the state will follow their lead.”

High Desert Quail Forever

  • Chapter leaders include Phil Garro, treasurer/secretary, from Helendale; Dave Smith, vice president, from Hesperia; and John Shaver, habitat chair, also from Hesperia.
  • The High Desert Chapter will be holding a Snake Avoidance Clinic near the end of February as a fundraising event to raise money for wildlife habitat projects. At the clinic, owners will experience a live demonstration on how sporting dogs learn to avoid being bitten by rattlesnakes, a far-too-common occurrence in the desert regions of California. After the demonstration, participants may use their own pets and teach them how to avoid potentially fatal snake bites.
  • For more information about the Snake Avoidance Clinic, becoming a member of the High Desert Chapter or volunteering for habitat improvement projects, contact Cruz Garcia at 760-949-6334 or Dave Smith at 760-947-6947. Visit the chapter website at

Quail Forever is the quail division of Pheasants Forever. California is home to seven Pheasants Forever chapters. For more information about the organization in California, contact Ryan Storm at 618-351-1234 and

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