First Bear Hunt in New Jersey Since 2005 Scheduled

First Bear Hunt in New Jersey Since 2005 Scheduled

New Jersey Black Bears
New Jersey Black Bears
National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association

Trenton, NJ –-( Last week, the New Jersey Fish and Game Council unanimously approved a bear management policy that includes a six day bear hunt, beginning December 6 2010.

Acting Department of Environment Commissioner Bob Martin has signed off on the policy, thereby opening up the first bear hunt in New Jersey since 2005.

Of course, Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the anti-hunting, Humane Society of the United States issued a statement calling the Black Bear Management Policy a political maneuver with no compelling social or biological reason for repealing the ban.

Mr. Pacelle fails to mention how in 2005 former Governor Jon Corzine (D) chose to disregard Fish and Game Council’s advice and imposed the bear hunting ban for political reasons. Governor Corzine then stood by in 2007 and tacitly allowed a bill to pass out of an Assembly Committee designed to remove sportsmen from the New Jersey Fish and Game Council, replacing them with environmental activists.

Unfortunately for Mr. Pacelle, Commissioner Bob Martin knows that wildlife policy should not be rooted in politics or emotion, but sound science and stated that,“The council incorporated the latest research and science into its proposed black bear management policy…,” contradicting Mr. Pacelle’s claim.

A public hearing on the plan will be held May 11 in Trenton and final approval should come from the state following a 60 day public comment period, beginning April 19.

NRA-ILA will notify you on once a time and location in Trenton has been set.