First Annual Colorado Pheasants Forever State Habitat Meeting Coming to Colorado

First Annual Colorado Pheasants Forever State Habitat Meeting Coming to Stratton, CO
Colorado Pheasants Forever Announces 2009 Wildlife Habitat Work.

Pheasants Forever
Pheasants Forever

Stratton, Colo. –-(  January 26, 2010 – Colorado Pheasants Forever is hosting its 1st Annual State Habitat Meeting on Saturday, Jan. 30th, at the Stratton Activity Building in Stratton, Colorado.

A wildlife habitat-themed weekend kicks off Friday, Jan. 29th, with a Landowner Workshop hosted by the Colorado Division of Wildlife.

The weekend is geared to landowners interested in improving wildlife habitat on their property.

The Landowner Workshop is from 8AM – 2PM.

This event includes presentations on:

  • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) enhancement and mid-contract management
  • State and federal private lands conservation incentive programs

RSVP to Jenny McCassland at the Burlington Conservation District at (719) 346-7699 to attend.

Saturday seminars run 8:30AM – 4PM and will cover habitat opportunities for pheasants and quail, crop yields for wildlife and continuous CRP practices. Presenting organizations include Pheasants Forever, the Colorado Division of Wildlife, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.

“Not only are we excited about the first annual state meeting, but the event is a step in the right direction for habitat conservation in our region,” said Bob Hix, Pheasants Forever Regional Representative for the state of Colorado. “The seminar speakers for our first event come from a variety of different organizations, and attendees are sure to gain valuable insights to successful habitat management.”

For more information about the Colorado Pheasants Forever 2010 Habitat Meeting, visit or email Bob Hix, Pheasants Forever Regional Representative at

Colorado Pheasants Forever 2009 Wildlife Habitat Work

Colorado’s 18 Pheasants Forever chapters and 2,500 Pheasants Forever members completed over 200 wildlife habitat projects in 2009, benefiting pheasants, quail and other wildlife on over 4,700 acres.

Project Type 2009 Projects 2009 Acres Historical Totals (Since 1982) Total Acres Benefitted (Since 1982)
Nesting Cover 75 3,588 1,120 36,849
Land Acquisition 12 1,272
Winter Cover 45 20 3,030 3,882
Food & Cover Plots 60 558 2,902 29,309
Habitat Maintenance 30 552 381 2,097
TOTALS 210 4,718 7,445 73,408

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