Fireworks From Second Amendment Foundation

Independence Day
Independence Day
Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Foundation

BELLEVUE, WA –-( PATRIOTS: As Congress celebrates the 4th of July as a kickoff to their month of ‘summer vacation’, the Second Amendment Foundation will continue doing what it does every day; protecting our Second Amendment Rights.

As a matter of fact, we just filed our latest lawsuit to protect gun rights in the State of North Carolina.

The Fourth of July: Guns, fireworks, cookouts, American flags, and freedom. Nothing is more American than that. Help us continue to keep firearms in the hands of law abiding Americans!

While our President, members of Congress and anti-gun groups are campaigning for gun control at every level, SAF is in the trenches doing the dirty work to protect against anti-gun laws from coast to coast.

Our latest lawsuit filed in the Federal District Court in North Carolina was filed on behalf of an Australian citizen who legally resides in the state, but cannot obtain a concealed carry permit under a state law that only allows citizens to get such permits.

There is such a need to protect legal alien’s gun rights because that will only strengthen the gun rights of Americans. The more law-abiding residents who have firearms will only make it more difficult for the anti-gunners to take away or right to bear arms.

The plaintiff, Felicity M. Todd Veasey, is a long-time resident of the community and she can legally possess a concealed firearm in North Carolina, but only on her own property as the law now stands. We’re challenging that, just as we have challenged similar laws in New Mexico, Washington, Arkansas and elsewhere.

Although we’ve won similar cases in other states, we seem to keep finding such laws on the books and we have to challenge them. Felicity has set down roots in North Carolina, where she lives with her husband and stepson. Her rights under the Second Amendment are being violated.

The Second Amendment Foundation currently has twenty open cases throughout the country in an effort to defend gun rights from coast to coast. You can imagine the massive bill that comes along with 20 legal cases.

Along with our legal action, we have to raise money for gun rights conferences, educational projects and other events taking place throughout the year that take their financial toll on our budget.

The Fourth of July is the day we celebrate our freedom and independence. It is the day we can cherish our right to keep and bear arms. It is also a reminder of how devastated we would be if we were ever stripped of that right to bear arms.

This is why the Second Amendment Foundation will do everything in its power to continue to protect our gun rights. We ask that you do the same.

Gun grabbers think that past gun control efforts have worn us down and hope you and I will quit the fight to protect individual rights.

I am counting on you. I know times are tough for everyone but if you could please make a special emergency gift to SAF of $100 or $50 or whatever you can afford, anything will help.

Please contribute your emergency gift immediately. Tomorrow is too late. I know I can count on you.

Times are tough but as things get tougher it’s critical we have gun rights.

To continue educational and legal action projects we rely on people like you who care. Unlike gun grabbers we don’t have deep pockets or big shot donors but we will never back down from them. Not with our Second Amendment in jeopardy.

Make Your SAF Contribution & Get Two “Second Amendment Foundation” Stickers With Your Donation

Thank you. Your support means a lot to me.

Sincerely yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb
Second Amendment Foundation

P.S. Remember, the anti-gunners are raising tens of thousands of dollars to steal our rights from us — we need your support now to help stop them dead in their tracks!

To send a check, please mail to:
Second Amendment Foundation
James Madison Building
Dept Code 193
12500 NE 10th Place
Bellevue, WA 98005

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.

Paid for by Second Amendment Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible. Copyright © 2014 Second Amendment Foundation, All Rights Reserved.