Dan Wos, Author of – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host of The Loaded Mic
USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- In another attempt to discourage firearm manufacturers from producing guns and as a Segway to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA,) the Democrat-controlled House Oversight committee has issued a subpoena on Smith and Wesson in an attempt to get their sales and production information.
House Oversight Committee chair and anti-gunner Rep. Carolyn Maloney (A democrat from NY) held a hearing on so-called “gun violence.” During that hearing, she challenged Chris Killoy at Ruger and Marty Daniel at Daniel Defense to “accept responsibility” and apologize to victims of mass shootings and their families.”
As if killings are their fault…
Democrats have grown used to emasculating their own, but when they try it with conservatives, they find that they’re dealing with a different breed. The idea here among the political left is to demonize firearm manufacturers in the eyes of the anti-gunners who are already irrationally fearful, easily manipulated, and can’t think for themselves. Democrats love the anti-gunners because they can be scared into doing anything the left wants. They also want gun owners and Second Amendment supporters to cower in fear and retreat.
Instead, they get a good old-fashioned and well-deserved punch in the nose. The second amendment community is coming out to support the gun manufacturers and hitting back. Long gone are the days when gun owners just sit back and keep their mouths shut. It’s game on.
CEO Mark Smith of the Iconic American Smith and Wesson company had this to say to Democrat gun grabbers.
“It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals. Many of these same cities also maintain the strictest gun laws in the nation. But rather than confront the failure of their policies, certain politicians have sought more laws restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, while simultaneously continuing to undermine our institutions of law and order.”
It was clear during the hearing that Maloney’s grandstanding was nothing more than continued anti-gun rhetoric in a desperate attempt to correlate semiautomatic rifles with violence. Of course, they used the typical anti-gun terminology such as “weapons of war,” “gun violence,” and others. Still, in typical left-wing fashion, ill-informed Maloney used black people as a tool yet again to push her political agenda when she said, “Black men make up more than half of all gun victims in the United States despite making up less than six percent of the population.”
At a certain point, you would think the left would realize that their anti-gun fear campaign is being seen as nothing more than a scam even in the eyes of their battle-weary comrades.
Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation, Alan Gottlieb, came out in support of S&W’s strongly worded statement and said;
“We think Mark Smith speaks for the entire firearms community, from manufacturers on down to individual gun owners who are tired of being the whipping boys for congressional gun grabbers.” Coming back to give Maloney and her cohorts a well-deserved black eye, Gottlieb said, “their collective moral compass is so dysfunctional the needle has twisted off the dial.”
Gun grabbers are hitting the wall. They have poked the bear one too many times. Gun owners are millions strong and have found their voice. Our founding fathers saw these gun grabbers and tyrants coming over 200 years away. That’s why the second amendment was written. The gloves are off, and no holds are barred in this battle to preserve our sacred Second Amendment and remind our government employees who they work for.
The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It’s your right.
Dan Wos
Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host – The Loaded Mic
About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic, and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun owners.