Find out how much the Humane Society gives to your local pet shelters (VIDEO)

A group who keeps an eye on all things related to the anti-gun Humane Society of the United States, contends that less than 1 percent of the money raised by HSUS goes to homeless animals.

Humane Watch, an organization that is something of the nemesis of the HSUS (HSUS even has a site set up just to counter Humane Watch complete with images of disapproving puppies), released a report this month calling the group out on its spending.

From Humane Watch in a statement:

You’ve probably seen ads from the Humane Society of the United States: Slow, sad music and pictures of needy dogs and cats that your donation will help—supposedly. In reality, these ads are perpetuating a massive deception on animal lovers. Only 1% of the money raised by the Humane Society of the United States is given to local pet shelters, and HSUS runs zero pet shelters of its own. Despite calling itself a ‘humane society, it is not related to the numerous humane societies in towns and counties across America. Thanks to name confusion and misleading ads, however, HSUS collects millions from unsuspecting donors and local shelters get shortchanged.

What HSUS has done in recent years is back bans on traditional ammunition, pressure airlines to stop transporting legal animals trophies from overseas back to the states, and opposed bear hunting in Florida and Maine despite the wishes of conservation officials in both states.

This has led to other groups going after HSUS as well, to include the Consumer Freedom Foundation (HSUS doesn’t like them either, go figure) who just released the PSA at the top of the page last month.

To find out just how much the HSUS ponies up for your local pooches, click here for the Humane Watch report.

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