Fighting Anti-Red Flag Laws with OK State Rep. Jay Steagall ~ VIDEO

GunFreedomRadio EP337 Anti-Red Flag Laws with OK State Rep. Jay Steagall.

USA – -( Our guest today is OK State Representative Jay Steagall. Representative Steagall serves House District 43 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

Representative Steagall also owns & operates a gun store, and served our country as a senior KC-135 pilot in the US Air Force Reserves.

With extensive experience defending this country through his military service, and now owning and operating a local gun shop, Jay considers himself a fearless defender of our Constitutional rights.

His strong belief that without the Second Amendment, we would be ill-equipped to defend the rest of the Bill of Rights is one shared by our Founding Fathers.

1) What is the current status of Gun Rights in your home state of Oklahoma?

2) You had a big hand in the passing of the SB1081 – the Anti-Red Flag Gun Laws Bill signed into law in May 2020 by Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt. How can you encourage other states to do the same?

2) You have clearly lived a life dedicated to Service. First the Military and now in public office. Talk to us about your time in the Military.

3) Talk so us about the Cuba resolution.

About Gun Freedom Radio

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than ONE GENERATION away from extinction.” And we at Gun Freedom Radio feel the responsibility to pass that baton of freedom along to our fellow citizens and therefore the next generation.

Hosts, Dan Todd & Cheryl Todd are small business owners with over 60 years of combined experience, they have been married for 30 years, they are parents and grandparents. Danny and Cheryl Todd are the owners of AZFirearms and Danny is also a Gunsmith. From these life experiences, they bring a unique perspective to the world of Gun-Rights and the need to speak into the next generation of American Citizens. Visit .

Gun Freedom Radio