Federal Council to Promote Hunting, Conservation Draws Praise From the TRCP

Federal Council to Promote Hunting, Conservation Draws Praise From the TRCP
Government announces creation of Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council to support hunting traditions,offer input to federal agencies on wildlife and hunting issues.

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

WASHINGTON, DC –-(AmmoLand.com)- The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership today lauded the creation of the Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council, a new federal advisory committee that will advise the government on wildlife and hunting issues and work to sustain America’s hunting heritage into the future.

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced formation of the council, which was officially launched this afternoon at a ceremony at Theodore Roosevelt Island National Memorial near Washington, D.C. In addition to TRCP staff, attendees included U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Sam D. Hamilton, U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell, Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Abbey and Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer.

In a memo from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the “scope and objective” of the new council are defined as providing “advice about wildlife and habitat conservation endeavors that (a) benefit recreational hunting; (b) benefit wildlife resources and (c) encourage partnership among the public, the sporting conservation community, the shooting and hunting sports industry, wildlife conservation organizations, the states, Native American tribes and the federal government.”

“The TRCP’s mission is founded in the desire by sportsmen to promote the conservation of fish and wildlife populations and their habitats as a means of securing our outdoor traditions,” said Tom Franklin, TRCP director of policy and government relations, “and we look forward to continuing to advocate for such policies governing the responsible management and use of our natural resources, on behalf of the nation’s sportsmen-conservationists, as the council commences this important work.”

Learn more about the TRCP’s goals and objectives as outlined in the TRCP 2010 Conservation Policy Agenda.

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions
of hunting and fishing.