Every Age, Every Time, and Every Place – More Self Defense Gun Stories

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Self-Defense Gun Stories

U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- You didn’t see this news covered by the mainstream media, but again this week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor David Cole joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they well trained? (20-minute audio)

These victims saved lives because they had a gun and good habits.

First story- Are you armed at work late at night? 

A customer comes into your convenience store and buys some chips. He throws a $20 dollar bill on the counter. The bill doesn’t look right, so you write on it with your test pen. The ink turns black. You hand the bill back to the customer and tell him you won’t accept that bill.

Now the customer pulls a gun out of his pocket. He walks around the counter and behind the plastic barrier and he shoots at you. You move when you see the robber’s gun come out. You’re armed. You draw your firearm and shoot your attacker until he turns away. Your attacker falls to the ground. You run to the back of the store and call the police.

EMTs transport your attacker to the hospital. The officers look at the security video. The police say your attacker was out on parole for armed robbery. No charges are filed against you.

Second Story- Are you armed in public? 

You are leaning against the side of your car talking to some of your friends. It is after dark when a man comes up to you. He draws a gun and tells you to move away from your car. With his gun still pointed at you, your attacker opens the car door.

You have your Texas license to carry a handgun. Tonight, you’re armed. You move, present your firearm, and shoot your attacker several times. Everyone moves away from the car, and you call the police. You ask your friends to stay at the scene.

Police interview you and your friends. Your attacker had several prior convictions and was out on parole. No charges are filed against you.

Third story- Are you armed when you’re driving?

You drive up to a convenience store. Your buddy in the passenger seat runs inside to buy something. You hear gunshots from the store and get out of your car. You see a stranger run out of the store with a gun in his hand. Then, the stranger shoots you. You’re armed. You draw your firearm and shoot back until your attacker drops his gun.

You shout for help. The store clerk has already called 911. EMTs take you to the hospital to treat your gunshot wound. The police tell you that your attacker shot at the store clerk, and then killed your friend as he walked through the door. Your attacker had shot up two other convenience stores within the last day. Police arrest the robber’s getaway driver and charge him with murder.

Fourth story- Are you armed when you go out for breakfast?

You went out to eat with a few friends. As you return home, you notice some of your possessions are stacked on the floor. A window screen is missing on your kitchen window and the window is open. You draw your firearm and shout that you’re armed. You hear someone in your bathroom, and you investigate. A stranger lunges for you and tries to grab your gun. You shoot him. You run outside and call 911.

EMTs declare your attacker dead at the scene. Your attacker was in his 20s, and you’re 72 years old. You had a heart attack a few weeks ago, and your robber was searching through your medicine cabinet.

Links and text of the discussion at the podcast webpage.

Slow FactsAbout Rob Morse

Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.

Contact David Cole at deltabravocharlie.com