USA -( While politicians say it all the time, this truly is the most important election in the history of our industry. NSSF is urging everyone to join together and get out the vote with one voice.
Between today and Election Day, urge your customers, co-workers, fans, followers, friends, family, or any other contacts, to vote. Here’s just a few easy and effective ways you can help:
- Download and post the #GUNVOTE icon to your website and link it to
- Help drive traffic to through your digital and social media channels and follow #GUNVOTE on Facebook and Twitter (@GUNV
OTE). - Send your contacts an email reminder or use the NSSF draft email below.
Election Day 2016: Don’t Sit This One Out
Your preferred candidate may or may not have won their party’s nomination. Either way, you must vote on Nov. 8.
In 2016, for the first time ever, some candidates running for office are attacking our Second Amendment rights rather than talking about enforcing our current laws and locking up criminals who misuse firearms. The balance of the Supreme Court is at stake.
The next president will nominate the next Supreme Court justice, and potentially as many as three justices. The party that controls the U.S. Senate will confirm – or block – the president’s nominee(s) to the Supreme Court. The Heller decision, which held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to “keep and bear arms,” wasdecided by just one vote. That’s why it is so important for gun owners and Second Amendment supporters to get out and vote.
If you live in a state where you can vote early, try to do so. Whether you live in a swing state or one of the pundits tells you it’s already locked up for either major party you must still vote. We can take nothing for granted this year.
Talk to your family, co-workers, neighbors and friends. Be sure that
they are informed and that they participate.
Don’t risk your rights. This election, make your vote, a #GUNVOTE.
To find your polling place and stay informed on the issues, visit
About NSSF:
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 6,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to