USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Skewed Polls are intended to keep Conservatives from voting – so why don’t you vote and piss off the left.
The same polls that told you it was Hillary in 2016. The polls that told conservatives not to bother to show up at the polls because it was all over are the same group telling you that Nancy Pelosi will be the speaker of the house, and you are just wasting your time showing up at the polls.
So here is how it works, MANY – not all but MANY of the polls are total frauds. They are political hack jobs intended to get conservatives to stay home and not vote. The purpose of the polls is to suppress the vote for the people they’re telling have no chance. I mean why waste your time voting if your side can’t win, right?
Here’s how they do it. Polls are not just counting people. You take a sample, the bigger, the better. Then you divide that sample into the group and make assumptions.
So here is a simple example. You poll 1,000 people, and 60% of the women liked Hillary, and 60% of the men liked Trump. You then (as the pollster) make a judgment as to what % of each group will show up.
So the NY Times makes this assumption. 50% of the population lives in Cities, and people in Cities are more likely to vote. Plus more women in the Cities vote than men. Next, they say men in rural areas tend to not vote at the same rate as women in Cities. BINGO! They then skew the poll based on those opinions. While you and I might think the gender biases cancel each other out, the NY Times will give the edge to Hillary, because more women in Cities will vote than men in rural areas.
So the Times and other polling groups tend to use the biases they think are true. Or so they say. In reality, many of us think they biased the polls to show phony momentum for their candidates to gin up support.
The turn-out for mid-terms is different than for a general election, but many pollsters are assuming a huge democrat turn out and a complacent turn out for Republicans. That assumption is where the “Blue Wave” came from, pollsters making assumptions about how THEY felt people would act.
So Trump goes on a rally tour to swing states where turnout is critical. If people respond to him, then pollsters need to change their assumptions. Don’t hold your breath.
The map to the right shows results from the 2010 elections. Pollsters told us that Democrats would hold the house, the dark red is GOP wins, and the liberals got slaughtered. The GOP gained 63 seats.
Many polls are lies, intended to convince you to stay home. Don’t let them win, don’t let the legacy media select your member of Congress. Get out and vote.
About Don McDougall
Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.