United States – -(AmmoLand.com)- In the wake of a horrific shooting like the one in Uvalde, the emotions and demand for action runs high. The good news is that our system of government makes it extremely hard to ram horrible legislation through in the heat of the moment absent massive majorities in Congress and control of the White House.
The fact is, while Charles Schumer may be Senate Majority Leader (a post he hopefully vacates due to massive mid-term losses in November), he doesn’t have a majority that can ram things through quickly. That said, after something like what happened in Uvalde, the tactics used to defend our Second Amendment rights need to reflect the situation as it is, not how we want it to be.
Anti-Second Amendment extremists on Twitter love to talk about how quickly Australia, New Zealand, and England moved to enact sweeping gun bans that inflicted injustice upon hundreds of thousands (if not millions) for horrific crimes and acts of madness they did not commit. So, the first move has to be to buy time and let the facts come out and let emotions cool.
The failures in the response and the security lapses are getting more attention. Second Amendment supporters need to be at the forefront in demanding accountability for the poor decisions and changes in policies and procedures.
Mitch McConnell is making the right call to have Senators negotiate right now. The more the negotiations go on, the more the emotions cool and the facts come out. In addition, there is a chance to replicate the NRA’s post-Columbine strategy. Re-read that history and learn from it.
At this point, there is good school security legislation that can be pushed as an alternative to gun bans. It also has the benefit of not even touching on gun laws at all – it actually addresses the problems we’ve seen with securing the schools children attend, and not just against mass shootings. This should be pushed hard – and the opposition of anti-Second Amendment extremists to those measures should be emphasized.
What is also essential is to not get caught in a bubble. A mass shooting at a school like those in Uvalde, Newtown, or Parkland are traumatic events. The loss of children is a deep shock. People want something done to make sure it doesn’t happen again, and in the heightened state of shock and when emotions run high, anti-Second Amendment extremists try to stampede them into acting.
The fact is, the wrong approach at this time could turn Second Amendment support into a dealbreaker for the same suburban parents who were once willing to put the Second Amendment debate aside due to concerns about school curricula. It is hard to have to tolerate the lies and to be the bigger person, but sometimes, that is what it takes to defend the Second Amendment.
Finally, Second Amendment supporters need to work to ensure that anti-Second Amendment extremists are defeated via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local levels.
About Harold Hutchison
Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.