Documentary follows journalist, U.S. Special Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan

It started with a promise and 300 hours of combat footage. “Danger Close” seeks to make good on a promise made by military journalist Alex Quade to “A-Team” ODA-072, a detachment of U.S. special operators looking to make sure Army Green Beret Staff Sgt. Rob Pirelli wasn’t forgotten.   

Pirelli, 29, was killed by small-arms fire while conducting combat operations in the Diyala Province of Iraq on Aug. 15, 2007. He was revered for his friendship and his engineering skills.

After the Status of Forces Agreement deadline saw the departure of most U.S. military units from Iraq at the end of 2011, secret “Team houses,” also called “safe houses,” were scattered, hidden, across the country.

Pirelli and his team built one of those outposts near where he was killed in a small village called Tibij, close to the Iranian border, in al-Qaeda-controlled territory. Diyala, still embattled, is currently being invaded by ISIS.

“Danger Close” follows Quade through her days of being embedded with Spacial Forces. The documentary opens in theaters April 28.

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