Do Not Allow The Devastation Of Our Gun Rights

Voting Booth
Do Not Allow The Devastation Of Our Gun Rights

BELLEVUE, WA – -( Our gun rights cannot afford a democratic majority in the House or Senate after these midterm elections.

We must take the steps now to ensure that does not happen.

The 2014 Congressional elections are going to play a major role in the fate of our Second Amendment rights. If the House and Senate hold a democratic majority after the elections we could see a flood of federal anti-gun laws like never before and it would be nearly impossible to stop.

If republicans win the majority in both the House and Senate, the constant threat of additional federal gun control will come to a crawl. These are vital midterm elections that we need to prepare for in order to stop the anti-gunners.

Currently, the democrats hold the majority in the Senate while the republicans hold the majority in the House of Representatives. We have been able to stop most attempts at new federal anti-gun laws as the majorities stand now; but it has not been easy.

The anti-gunners pushed harder than ever before in 2013 attempting to steal our rights from us. Feinstein’s semi-auto gun ban was the headliner for the year that had every anti-gunner from Obama, Bloomberg, Biden, and all the way to Piers Morgan campaigning daily, trying to brainwash Americans into believing we needed anti-gun “change”.

We did stop their efforts last year but it was taxing. Gun rights group’s account balances cannot compete with the anti-gun groups. They have the big donors with deep pockets to campaign and push their anti-gun propaganda 24/7. It is cool, popular, and socially admired to donate to a “gun safety” group thanks to Hollywood and the anti-gun liberal media.

It is going to take a gigantic effort from pro-gun groups as well as Second Amendment patriots from across the country to compete with the amount of money anti-gun groups are raising for during this election year.

The democrats are very afraid of the momentum republicans are gaining before these midterm elections, and they should be. Americans have seen what the Obama Administration has done in their six years and they cannot be more disappointed.

It would be terrifying to see what Obama would try to do with a democratic majority in the House and Senate during his last two years as President. His current legacy contains a long list of scandals and failures. He is desperately seeking to find something he will be remembered for.

Destroying our gun rights into something like Great Britain or Australia would suffice for his extreme anti-gun followers. If he had a democratic majority in the House and Senate he might be able to devastate our Second Amendment Rights. We cannot let that happen!

Americans are concerned about attempts to erode their gun ownership rights, and for good reason. Our mission is to assure them that our groups are working day and night to thwart government gun-grabbers at every opportunity.

Americans protect themselves from violent crime with firearms up to two million times annually, by some estimates. Nearly half of those incidents occur away from home, demonstrating the effectiveness of concealed- and open-carry laws.

In the majority of those cases, a shot is not even fired, but the presence of the firearm serves as a deterrent to violence.

Sincerely yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb
Citizens For The Right To Keep And Bear Arms (CCRKBA)

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
12500 NE Tenth Place
Bellevue, Washington 98005

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. Contributions are not tax deductible. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to