Demonstration / Confrontation 101

Wild Bill for America
Wild Bill for America

Colorado –-( American patriots being pushed around by the cops? Wild Bill sets them straight.

As the Democrats have taken the War on Guns to a level of political attacks never seen in our history as a Republic many folks have been thrown into the fight for the first time.

As normally peaceful law abiding gun owners it is not in our mindset to defy the law, so if confronted by LEO’s during a peaceful demonstration is what do you do?

Well if it is on public property like a State House or Town Hall, the Supreme Court has rulled, again and again, you have the right as a citizen to stay and protest. Permit or not, permission or not.

Former Sheriff ‘Wild Bill for America’ gives some pointers in his latest video above.

No compromise, No retreat…

About Wild Bill for America:
Bill grew up in the Colorado Rockies and had a successful career in law enforcement, serving as both a Deputy Sheriff and a Deputy U.S. Marshal. He is a graduate of the Colorado Law enforcement Academy, the Federal Law Enforcement Academy and the U.S. Marshal’s Academy. Prior to law enforcement Bill served with the U.S. Marines as a Corpsman.

As a security specialist, Bill has tackled Islamic violence and intimidation head on, recruiting and training security teams to protect missionaries serving around the world. Having studied Islam intensely and seen how it operates first hand, Bill is well qualified to speak out about the dangers this religion presents.

As one of the first Tea Party members Bill continues his policy of speaking the truth boldly and encouraging others to do the same. Visit: