Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison ‘sure wishes’ his party would come out against the Second Amendment (VIDEO)

Minnesota Democrat Representative Keith Ellison said during an interview with Bill Maher that he “wishes” his party would come out against the Second Amendment.

The statement came in the middle of a panel interview on “HBO’s Real Time” with Bill Maher. Ellison talked about “common sense” gun control just moments before agreeing with a radically different stance, Town Hall reports.

“I’m for gun control but I don’t think you have got to eliminate ownership of all guns in order to get some common sense gun rules. I mean, 27 children were mowed down. Isn’t that enough for us? I mean one of our own colleagues Gabby Gifford got shot in the face…” Ellison started before being interrupted by Maher.

“Then why doesn’t your party come out against the Second Amendment?” Maher asked.

“Bill, I sure wish they would,” Ellison chuckled. “I sure wish we would.”

Maher challenged him, saying he’s never heard anyone from the Democratic party express a similar sentiment, and Ellison countered by saying the progressive caucus has “come out very strong for common sense gun safety rules.”

Maher and Ellison begin their conversation around the three-minute mark.

[ Town Hall ]

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