Arizona -( In an obviously uninformed and politically correct stunt, a Democrat candidate in a Democrat primary broke the law. She will not be prosecuted. There is nothing new in that. It only proves the rule. From
“At a minimum, she broke at least two federal laws, both of which are felonies, and at least one felony at the state level,” said Virginia Beach attorney Robert Herron III, an expert in firearms law.
Herron says the federal law dates back to the 1930s and involves what’s known as short barreled rifles, or SBRs. He says Mallard broke the law twice: for making an SBR when she cut the barrel — and then for having one in her possession.
But Herron doubts she’ll get prosecuted because she’s running for Congress.
Herron only gets half of the equation. She won’t get prosecuted because she is a reliable Progressive and a Democrat running for office. Progressives break the law with impunity. All they have to claim is they had good intentions. Reliable Progressives of both parties (mostly Democrats) have had a “get out of jail free” card for decades. The old dominant Progressive media protects them. Selective and biased media coverage amounts to a “get out of jail free” card.
Hillary Clinton broke the law numerous if not hundreds times with unsecured top secret classified information on her private email server. FBI Director Comey, who was also illegally conducting official business on gmail, (away from congressional and FOIA oversight) said it did not matter because she did not have criminal intent. But intent was not part of the law. Comey altered the meaning of the law to fit his, and Progressives’, desires.
The reliably Progressive host of Meet the Press, David Gregory, was not charged when he scoffed at the law and brandished a magazine that was illegal to possess in the District of Columbia.
Progressives no longer control the narrative by controlling nearly all media. There were consequences to Karen Mallard’s action.
She was investigated by the ATF, because of the social media outcry. She lost the primary, probably because being an anti-Second Amendment extremist does not work well in a red district. From
Elaine Luria’s victory on Tuesday likely pits her against Republican Congressman Scott Taylor, a former Navy SEAL, in November.
Luria defeated school teacher Karen Mallard in Virginia’s 2nd District.
National Democrats are backing Luria in their quest to flip the district and recapture the U.S. House. The 2nd District is considered competitive, although political observers say it leans Republican.
Mallard lost by a large margin, 38 to 62 percent to her retired DOD opponent. Her opponent was favored by the Democrat National Committee.
The intent is not considered when the media and their law enforcement allies go after President Trump. Neither is the law.
Donald Trump briefly had people on his campaign, who years ago had contacts with Russian citizens. That is enough for an “investigation” obviously aimed at discrediting him and harming him politically. “Collusion” is not even a criminal act.
President Donald Trump, who might have had a consensual sexual encounter years before he ever decided to run for office, has his personal lawyer raided and all files, in spite of attorney-client privilege, confiscated by federal prosecutors. The ACLU is still completely silent!?
Texas congressman DeLay was run out of office for non-existent crimes. His major “crime” appears to be that he was a very effective Republican leader.
These events illustrate the enormous power of a partisan media. The media has been a major part of the Progressive power structure for decades.
With the 2016 election, the old, dominant, Progressive media’s ability to shape and control the national narrative has been successfully challenged. It may be broken beyond recovery. Social media forces, outside the control of Progressives, have the ability to force an investigation of candidates who blatantly break the law.
Progressives are not happy about it, but their ability to pick and choose what candidates are immune from investigation and prosecution is ending.
©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30-year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.