Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- We knew that giving Boehner 247 Republican members and McConnell, 54 GOP senators, was not going to solve all of our problems — and allow us to relax for the next two years.
And, sure enough, it took Boehner and McConnell only a few days to hoist the first white flag of surrender — on a transcendently important issue.
Let’s face it: None of the “Republican agenda” legislation being planned by Boehner and his minions is going anywhere. Not Keystone Pipeline. Not a repeal of the anti-gun ObamaCare law. Not anything.
Rather, all government spending and policy will be contained in a single bill: the government-funding “continuing resolution” — or “omnibus.”
So now, the debate raging in Washington is this: Do the newly elected Republicans allow Reid’s discredited, repudiated “lame duck” Democrats to write a “continuing resolution” or “omnibus” which will set all spending and gun policy through September 30, 2015 (the end of the fiscal year).
Or do they do a short-term bill, which expires in January, February, or March 2015, and allows the newly elected Republicans to make these decisions? Certainly, the new Republicans would make gun-related decisions which would be much better than those made by Reid in the next ten days.
Better decisions on whether to extend Schumer’s ban on forgiveness for “prohibited persons.” Better decisions on whether to defund ammunition and firearms import bans implemented by Obama. Better decisions with respect to anti-gun ObamaCare provisions.
So why would Boehner and McConnell, who trumpeted the benefits of a Republican Congress, seek to cede these decisions to Harry Reid?
The answer is that, if all important legislation goes away until September, House conservatives will lose their ability to force Boehner to stand up to Obama — in any context where it matters.
But at this point, the war is waging — and the outcome of the battle is up in the air.
Boehner has offered to do short-term funding for immigration, but funding for ten months for everything else.
While not nothing, this Boehner “compromise” does nothing to keep Reid from implementing bad policy on guns — or ObamaCare — or virtually anything else.
The good news is that Pelosi has rejected the Boehner “compromise,” and virtually all Democrats will therefore vote against it. This means that the defection of only a few pro-gun conservatives will kill the anti-gun deal — and force a short-term CR which allows newly elected Republicans to decide gun policy.
Boehner is expected to try and bludgeon conservatives into submission. Whether he succeeds may depend on you.
ACTION: Contact your Representative. Tell him to support a short-term CR which will allow Republicans to decide government spending and policy, rather than Harry Reid.
About:Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: www.gunowners.org to Join.