USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Dear Scott Bach,
The following is an open letter from myself, Anthony Garcia, President of Save The Second. You’ve probably heard of us, so I’ll spare the introduction. In fact, I’m sure you have, because we sent you a survey that you didn’t bother to return despite it being forwarded to you.
In reading your article posted to AmmoLand News dated 31 July 2019, I was struck that you believe what you’re saying. I think you genuinely believe that what you’re doing is the right side, and you’re doing it for the right reasons. Just as I believe my side is the right side, and I’m doing it for the right reasons. However, it’s obvious that our opinions differ greatly.
Better writers than I have opined on this topic at length, so I won’t ask the same questions here that so many others have asked. You can read plenty of those articles on our Facebook page. Instead, I’m going to ask a very simple question.
Now in asking this question let us suppose that everything you wrote in your article is accurate, and again I think that you believe it is.
If everything in the article is accurate, then why would there be such pushback against anyone asking for an independent audit?
It doesn’t make any sense. If you have a significant portion of your members concerned over things that aren’t true, then why not prove that they’re untrue? It seems that an independent and trustworthy audit could be accomplished relatively easily and swiftly, proving the entire story that this has been much ado about nothing. Furthermore, that seems to be the best option as it would surely be far cheaper than the millions and millions that have now been withheld by donors.
This question is, to me, the one that should be answered.
Like you, I want a strong NRA. I want an NRA that is able to fight back against those who would seek to strip the second amendment. I want more than anything to believe your article. But the fact of the matter is that I won’t, and neither will a significant portion of the membership that grows daily, until it’s proven to be fact. Why not simply prove it?
That is the way to get what we both want if in fact, everything in your article is accurate. Prove the allegations are false and reunite the membership. Start the flow of donations again. Revitalize the NRA and turn it back into a powerhouse. This is where it starts; where the healing starts.
I look forward to your response, publicly or privately.
Very Respectfully,
Anthony A. Garcia
Save The Second
About Save the Second
Save the Second, a non-profit organization, was formed in June of 2019 to represent the concerns of NRA Members, as well as former and potential NRA Members, who believe that the leadership and strategies of the NRA have failed and that the organization needs to be reformed in order to represent American Gun Owners and their concerns effectively. STS has proposed Five Points of Reform at their website savethe2a.org for consideration to improve the NRA.
For more information about Save the Second, The BoD Survey, The Five Points of Reform or other related issues, contact STS Board Member and Media Relations Representative, Rob Pincus at robpincus@savethe2a.org.