DC Project to Host 3-Gun Match Fundraiser ~VIDEO

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Halloween 2020 will find the DC Project hosting their largest fundraiser of the year. The DC Project Team Match will be held at the scenic Reveille Peak Ranch in Burnet, TX, and runs from October 30 through November 1. The weekend kicks off with a fundraising banquet on Friday, followed by a two-day, team 3-gun match on Saturday and Sunday.

The DC Project Team Match and banquet benefit our Second Amendment advocacy efforts and provides an excellent opportunity to support the shooting sports and the 2A. Throughout the competition, teams will compete for a cash payout for the top three places of four Lewis class divisions.

The fundraiser helps pay for travel to Washington, D.C., and state capitols where delegates meet with lawmakers face-to-face, plus it finances our national educational efforts throughout the year.

The DC Project challenges the messages of anti-gun groups like Moms Demand Action, and we counter their red-shirt visual with our own #TealFor2A campaign.

In support of law enforcement, teams of police officers will compete in a “Law Enforcement Challenge.” Each team is sponsored by a company from their community and are vying for trophy belt buckles for themselves and their sponsors.

DC Project Team Match Agenda

    • Reveille Peak Ranch, Burnet, TX
    • Friday, 10/30/20
      • 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Family Festival, Sponsor Exhibitions
      • 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Banquet, Auctions/Raffles
    • Saturday, 10/31/20
      • All-Day – DC Project Team Match 3-Gun Competition
    • Sunday, 11/1/20
      • All-Day – DC Project Team Match 3-Gun Competition
      • Awards

More Information
Check out the DC Project Team Match Facebook page to see some of the auction and raffle items. For details about the DC Project, please visit www.dcproject.info.

About the D.C. Project Foundation:

The D.C. Project Foundation is an educational and bipartisan effort of 50 women, one from each state, meeting legislators on Capitol Hill as gun owners and Second Amendment supporters. Each summer more than 50 women of various ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities spend four days meeting with members of the Unites States Senate and House of Representatives to advocate for the Second Amendment as female gun owners on behalf of all Americans. www.pro3gunner.com/dcp/