TULSA, OK. – -(AmmoLand.com)-The DC Project, Women for Gun Rights, returned to Washington, DC, September 13-16, 2022, to deliver its core message to Congress. The group’s fifty-one delegates representing forty-eight states met with legislators from both sides of the aisle, advocating gun rights are human rights. Their effort concluded with a rally on the steps of the United States Supreme Court.
DC Project Founder Dianna Muller commented, “This was our fifth fly-in and it was the most impactful trip we have experienced.” Muller added, “We built bridges by sharing our personal and emotional stories of violence while emphasizing solutions the firearms industry is spearheading in mental health, school safety, and firearms education.”
During the trip, the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus, co-chaired by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) hosted a reception. The DC Project presented its pillars and explained how legislators could partner with the group to provide armor in the attacks on the Second Amendment.
“This organization of women is a game changer. For years, anti-gun women and politicians have demanded Congress strip away the rights of law-abiding gun owners; the DC Project provides a counter to their misinformation.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) stated.
In total, the delegates not only attended more than 135 meetings but made countless impressions across the city with personal interactions with residents and tourists. The DC Project anticipates continuing the momentum at the individual state level.
Learn how to support or join by becoming an effective second amendment advocate in your community and with your legislators by visiting our website: DCPROJECT.info. Follow us on The DC Project – Home | Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and visit our extensive video library on our YouTube channel.
DC Project, Women for Gun Rights
The DC Project is a nationwide organization of women committed to safeguarding the Second Amendment. A non-partisan initiative of daughters, mothers, and sisters that believe education is the key to firearm safety and violence prevention, not legislation. We counter the disinformation gun control groups circulate by informing our friends, families, communities, and legislators of the truth that gun rights are human rights.