Davidson’s – Platinum Sponsor Of 2013 Shooting Industry Masters

Shooitng Industry Masters 2013


PRESCOTT, ARIZONA – -(Ammoland.com)- Davidson’s, one of the nation’s top firearms wholesalers, is pleased to announce their continued support of the Shooting Industry Masters with a Platinum-level sponsorship for the 2013 event, being held in Cody, WY.

The Shooting Industry Masters, owned and operated by FMG publications, is a 3-gun style shooting event with Industry and Open classes as well as several side matches. The purpose of the match is to raise awareness for the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s First Shots program which helps introduce individuals to shooting and gun safety.

As part of Davidson’s sponsorship, the Shooting Masters this year will have an event area named “Davidson’s Gallery of Guns Clay Target Town”. This area will host three side matches, contains a beautiful clubhouse, and will also feature western art and bronzes from some of the most well-known western artists from around the country.

Davidson’s will be sending their own team of shooters to this year’s event to shoot it out with their cohorts from across the firearms industry.

Matt Nicholson, VP of Sales and Davidson’s Shooting Team member says, “We are proud to continue to show our support of the Shooting Industry Masters and even more excited to be shooting in the events this year. I know that this year Team Davidson’s is well represented and we hope to bring back some hardware!”

Keep up with this year’s event at www.shootingindustry.com/masters and gear up for your own events at www.davidsonsinc.com and www.galleryofguns.com.