Dana Loesch: Media Hates NRA More Than It Cares About The Truth

Dana Loesch: Media Hates NRA More Than It Cares About The Truth

NRA News Commentator Dana Loesch has no problem telling the mainstream media that their failure to provide Americans with a complete understanding of the terror watch list conversation is the most disgraceful excuse for journalism in recent memory. In her new video commentary “The Media Hates The NRA More Than It Cares About The Truth,” Loesch overviews a few Democratic politicians’ and anti-gun activists’ “absolutely absurd opinions” and contends that their friends in the media are crafting a false narrative on firearm freedom. It’s a much needed dose of common sense in a period where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would rather restrict the constitutional rights of the American people than confront the radical Islamic terrorists—or even say the words—who threaten our safety.

Loesch sets the record straight on the NRA’s position on terror watch lists, which has been misrepresented by media, politicians and activists with an anti-Second Amendment agenda. The NRA has never opposed putting people the FBI believes are terrorists, or could be terrorists, on a watch list. The NRA also believes that we cannot deny citizens their constitutional rights without due process. This is how justice works in America. But Democrats and their media puppets don’t like American-style justice. In Loesch’s words: “Not a single reporter has asked Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or Chuck Schumer why they hate the constitutional system of due process.”

Watch Loesch’s fearless challenge to the deceitful media below and share with your friends, family and on social media.