CSSA and CSAAA Join to Enable Legal Action Against 10/22 Magazine Re-Classification

Team CSSA and the CSAAA Join to Enable Legal Action to Defend Against 10/22 Magazine Re-Classification
Team CSSA and the CSAAA Join to Enable Legal Action to Defend Against 10/22 Magazine Re-Classification
Canadian Shooting Sports Association
Canadian Shooting Sports Association

Etobicoke, ON -(AmmoLand.com)- The Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA), representing recreational firearms owners, has joined with the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA), representing firearms business owners, to empower legal action against the recent decision by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Firearms Program to prohibit several brands of imported 10/22 extended capacity rifle magazines.

The CSAAA and CSSA Boards of Directors voted late last week to raise and contribute funding to a legal defence fund to make this legal action possible.

The action will be conducted by noted firearms lawyer Edward L. Burlew, L.L.B. , General Counsel for the CSSA.

Mr. Burlew states, “This recent, sudden reversal deprives legal firearms owners of their property rights and attacks their freedom.  The RCMP has a duty to every Canadian to act fairly and consistently. The recent decision to reverse position on Ruger 10/22 magazines holding over 10 cartridges is a deliberate move to cause serious worry to hundreds of thousands of Canadians, licenced firearms dealers and importers.”

Burlew adds, “A Federal Court Class Action on behalf of all persons, individuals, dealers and distributors who now possess cartridge magazines to fit the Ruger 10/22 that can contain more than 10 cartridges will be commenced.  The purpose of the action is to seek a judgement that these magazines are not prohibited, to declare the magazine capacity restrictions void as unconstitutional or in the alternative to force a buy-back of each at full retail value. A claim for the intentional infliction of mental distress due to the fear of police action and criminal charges will be included.”

Individuals are advised not to use, transfer, dispose of, alter or modify, or transport these magazines at this time.

At this time, due to the controversy, importers, dealers and individual owners are advised to stop sales and transfers of all 10/22 high capacity (over 10 rounds) rifle magazines. Businesses are cautioned not to attempt to “pin” magazines unless their license specifically authorizes work on prohibited magazines.

We are advising against businesses or their customers surrendering or returning these magazines to anyone at this time.

If you are the consumer owner of one of these magazines your participation in the action is very much desired.


DONATIONS CAN BE CALLED IN TO 1-888-873-4339 OR MADE AT THE CSSA WEB STORE TO : 10/22 +10 Class Action Donation

From consumer owners we need:

  • A communication informing us of your willingness to participate in a class action lawsuit. please include all contact information;
  • Brands and models of 10/22 +10 round capacity magazines currently in inventory and the value of the inventory if possible;
  • Digital copies of product packaging, manufacturers’ or distributors’ product sales information, product press releases if possible;

Any information, actions or comments by your Chief Firearms Officer, Inspectors, RCMP or any other law enforcement agency if possible.

Consumer owners interested in joining the class action, are asked to email the above information to the CSSA at classaction@cssa-cila.org.

For more information call the CSSA at 905-571-2150.

What should owners of these magazines do?

The simple answer is;  nothing at this time besides entering the class action (above).

Individuals should not attempt to pin or otherwise limit the magazine’s capacity as that could prove dangerous. As well, transporting a prohibited device without the proper paperwork can land one into criminality very quickly. Do nothing to the magazines – don’t move them and don’t use them. Even giving them away could constitute trafficking in prohibited devices.

Meanwhile, write a letter (paper is best, but email works) expressing your outrage to the Prime Minister of Canada, The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau; to the Public Safety Minister, the Hon. Ralph Goodale; and, of course, to your own federal Member of Parliament. Please don’t waste time with petitions. Direct communication is the only sure fire route.

Express (politely) how you feel about another unwarranted attack on our community by the seemingly incompetent firearms’ lab, and request that steps be taken to reverse this attempt to turn hundreds of thousands of Canadians into instant criminals.

You can find the contact information for MPs and Ministers here:

About CSSA:

The CSSA is the voice of the sport shooter and firearms enthusiast in Canada. Our national membership supports and promotes Canada’s firearms heritage, traditional target shooting competition, modern action shooting sports, hunting, and archery. We support and sponsor competitions and youth programs that promote these Canadian heritage activities.

For more information, visit the website at www.cdnshootingsports.org.