Convince NH Sen. Ayotte To Oppose Anti-Gun Lynch’s AG Nomination

Loretta Lynch
Loretta Lynch
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

Milford, NH –-( We have been informed that Senator Ayotte is currently “undecided” on the question of whether or not to vote to confirm Loretta Lynch for U.S. Attorney General. Make no mistake, Loretta Lynch is cut from the same cloth as Eric Holder.

As attorney general, she will advance the same lawless, rabidly anti-gun agenda that spawned the “Fast and Furious” and “Operation Choke Point” scandals.

Even John McCain, who is far from a strong proponent of the right to keep and bear arms said: “no Republican should vote for her confirmation.

Lynch is known to completely support extreme gun-ban fantasies such as a complete ban on semi-automatics. So anyone who votes for Lynch will, by extension, be voting to support such a ban.

So a vote for Lynch is a vote to ban semi-autos. But even worse, if confirmed as Attorney General, Lynch is being groomed to be the fifth anti-gun vote on the Supreme Court. When Lynch, who has been dubbed “Eric Holder in a skirt,” bootstraps her AG job into a Supreme Court seat, the Heller and McDonald cases will both be reversed. The Second Amendment, as far as the courts are concerned, won’t be worth the paper that it’s written on.

New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte
New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte

The Lynch nomination is going to be filibustered by pro-gun Republicans. To shut off that filibuster, Harry Reid will have to intrude upon the Republicans’ prerogatives and circulate a petition to shut off their filibuster — a document called a “cloture petition” (which must be signed by sixteen senators). But remember, it was just about 2 years ago that Senator Ayotte refused to support a filibuster to stop gun control. Maybe this time she will do the right thing.

Click here to contact Senator Ayotte or call her at 603-622-7979 or 603-628-1012 or 603-880-3335 OR 603-752-7702.

When you call or write, remind Senator Ayotte that on question 23 of her 2010 Candidate Survey, she promised to make the right to bear arms a test for all federal appointments. Tell her that you expect her to keep her word and vote no on the Lynch nomination. Let her know that you expect her to support the expected filibuster AND that you expect her to oppose any “cloture petition” that is presented. In short, you expect Senator Ayotte to vote no on the Loretta Lynch nomination at EVERY step in the process.

Click here to contact Senator Ayotte or call her at 603-622-7979 or 603-628-1012 or 603-880-3335 OR 603-752-7702.

Additional talking points for Senator Ayotte’s office:

Tell her:

(1) Don’t be the single deciding vote to confirm Loretta Lynch for Attorney General, a person who is in line to be the fifth anti-gun vote on the Supreme Court. A vote for Lynch is a vote to ban semi-autos.

(2) Don’t sign Harry Reid’s cloture petition to shut down a pro-gun filibuster.

(3) Don’t side with Harry Reid and cast the deciding vote to shut down a pro-gun filibuster.

(4) Support the appeal to the ruling of the chair to require that Lynch receive 60 votes in order to reach a confirmation vote.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Your New Hampshire Firearms Coalition Leadership Team

About New Hampshire Firearms Coalition:
The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is New Hampshire’s only No Compromise Gun Rights Organization. While many so-called “gun rights groups” work to curry favor with politicians and the media, NHFC is working aggressively to hold politicians accountable and to put a stop to gun control. Visit: