Constitutional Carry Passed for Georgia Politicians Because Their Life is More Valuable Than Yours

Constitutional Carry Passed for Georgia Politicians Because Their Life is More Valuable Than Yours

Georgia Gun Owners
Georgia Gun Owners

Kennesaw, Georgia –-( George Orwell’s Animal Farm reveals how politicians use the power of their office to grant special privileges to themselves.

“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

A buddy of mine over in South Carolina sent me an email reminding me of one of Animal Farm’s lessons.

He heard that Georgia State Senators voted to give themselves “Constitutional Carry” last week — and left gun owners in Georgia to be processed and restricted like cattle just because you and I want to defend ourselves and our families.

That is wrong. The Republicans in the State Senate are wrong…and the gun lobbyists that concocted such a scheme should be ashamed for selling out Georgia gun owners.

If you believe that ALL Georgians deserve “Constitutional Carry,” please speak up.

Heavily-funded, anti-gun forces around the country, and establishment gun lobbies, have joined together to oppose such freedom for gun owners.

Soon after Republicans in the State Senate in Atlanta voted to give themselves “Constitutional Carry,” a member of Georgia Gun Owners contacted me with some disturbing information.

He indicated that his State Senator relayed to him that certain “deals” were being negotiated behind closed doors between the House and the Senate.

You could imagine how disgusted this member of Georgia Gun Owners was.

He asked: “Are they back to their old tricks in Atlanta? Are they playing politics with our rights again? The same old backroom deals?”

You and I know the answers to those questions. Politicians have one motivation: reelection.

Our elected officials need to know that the gun owners of Georgia are just as important as politicians.

Our safety and security should not be relegated to “second class” just because we haven’t won an election.

Afterall, you and I both know that most of us don’t have metal detectors and armed guards standing watch when we go to work everyday.

Don’t let today end without contacting your elected officials in Atlanta. Let them know that you support restoration of “Constitutional Carry” in Georgia.

Yours in liberty,

Patrick Parsons
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

Georgia Gun Owners in a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots firearm advocacy organization dedicated to countering the gun control lobby through an aggressive program designed to mobilize gun owners and liberty activists across the State of Georgia, while seeking to enlist public support for legislation that would remove compulsory government requirements for gun owners throughout the state. Georgia Gun Owners’ mailing address is 1635 Old 41 Hwy., Ste. 112-202, Kennesaw, Georgia 30152. Georgia Gun Owners can be contacted at 678-719-2348. Georgia Gun Owners’ web address is