Complaint Filed as Florida Law Enforcement Officers Bend the Law to Stop Open Carry Rights Bill

Complaint Filed as Florida Law Enforcement Officers Bend the Law to Stop Open Carry Rights Bill

Florida Open Carry
Florida Open Carry

Florida –-( It appears that members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office may have violated the law in order to influence the Florida Senators.

During his testimony before committee, Captain Mike Fewless stated, “I actually stopped by every one of you guys’s office this morning (and) dropped off seven photographs of some biker outlaw gang guys that have carrying concealed firearm permits. Those are the ones we’re worried about carrying.”

Florida Statute 790.0601 expressly forbids the release of personally identifying information of a person who has applied for or who has received a license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. The pictures were obtained from a secure law enforcement database that is illegal to access for anything other than investigation of crimes or license verification. The specific circumstances in which that information may be released are with the express written consent of the licensee, by a court order upon showing a good cause, or upon request of a law enforcement agency in connection with performance of lawful duties. There is no exemption for release of identifying information by anyone for the purposes of furthering a political agenda. Further, the bikers have NEVER been convicted of any felony yet the Sheriffs wish to deprive them of their rights without due process.

A complaint has been made to the Orange County State Attorney’s Office and they are investigating.

It is apparent that member agencies of the Florida Sheriffs Association may be willing to embellish circumstances, bend the law, and intentionally misrepresent facts in order to influence the committee and the legislature at large in order to maintain their virtual monopoly on open carry. Ironic since in 1987, when shall-issue concealed carry was being debated, the same association stated they preferred open carry over concealed carry so their deputies would not have to guess at who was armed.

Florida is a grass roots organization of Florida residents who endeavor to raise awareness in the community of our second amendment rights. Our primary goal is to help educate others about their right to legally open carry and advocate for repeal of the general ban on open carry in Florida. Florida is one of only seven states where open carry is generally illegal. Visit: