Colorado Springs Utilities Company Is Looking For Hunter Input on Land Access
The following is a forwarded message. A copy of the plan and a comment form have been posted at
Colorado –-( I wanted to let your readers know that the Colorado Springs Utilities Company is looking for public input on their watershed access plan until Feb. 26.
These properties provide some excellent habitat for deer, elk and bighorn sheep on Pike’s Peak. Below is the link to Colorado Spring’s Utilities Watershed Access Plan. You can click on the top-right part of the page to look at the plan, and download a comment form:
The plan (as currently written) will prohibit hunting on their properties, in any capacity. As an advocate for sportsmen at the DOW, we’ve publicly maintained throughout this process that we feel hunting is an acceptable and safe use of this area.
To maintain quality of the experience, also think that hunting could be implemented on a limited basis.similar to other areas in the state. It is surrounded by USFS land that already allows public hunting (GMU 59).
Springs Utilities told me that they heard my comments loud and clear, but simply have not heard from enough sportsmen in Colorado to make this a consideration. Any comments you can provide with respect to allowing hunting would be beneficial to sportsmen.
Thanks for taking a look.