CleanShot Announces Patented High Velocity Bore Cleaning Device

Huntego Limited’s newest innovation to be the first product ever launched on – the shooting industry’s crowdfunding platform.

CleanShot Announces Patented High Velocity Bore Cleaning Device
CleanShot Announces Patented High Velocity Bore Cleaning Device
Huntego Limited
Huntego Limited

Northville, Michigan –-( It’s a double barreled shot of unprecedented breakthro ughs for the gun industry. Huntego Limited is launching CleanShot, the industry’s first of its kind shoot-through bore cleaning cartridges. CleanShot is fast, efficient, convenient and compared to traditional field cleaning methods, more affordable.

CleanShot is a patented high-velocity bore cleaning device that uses approximately 9,600 psi of outward pressure to power scrub, trap particles and wipe the bore clean. Simply load a CleanShot round in the chamber like any other cartridge, safely fire and your gun is field-cleaned in an instant. Designed to be used in the field or at a range, CleanShot allows shooters to maintain their firearms with minimal cleaning equipment, effort and mess.

The first product in the Huntego Limited line is now available at–cleanshot#/about

Huntego Limited is launching the 12-gauge model now and intends to release 20, 28 and 410 gauges in the year ahead . They are also actively working on the 9MM handgun and military grade applications such as the 5.56 model.

The 12-gauge CleanShot uses a standard shotgun hull and is manufactured using the same process and standards as ammunition currently manufactured by the OEM brands today.

The product can be used by a wide range of shooting consumers including: recreational and target shooters, hunters, law enforcement, military, government agencies and more.

CleanShot sells for $2.50 on

More info at