Chipping Away at Gun Banner Cuomo’s NY SAFE Act

by: Raquel Okyay

New York's "SAFE Act"
Conservative lawmakers, diligently working to abolish Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s landmark gun control law – the NYS SAFE Act.
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

USA –  -( Conservative lawmakers, diligently working to abolish Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s landmark gun control law – the NYS SAFE Act, said they will never stop fighting for Second Amendment rights for all New Yorkers.

“Sadly, the Second Amendment in New York State is under continued siege,” said two-term Republican Sen. Kathleen A. Marchione. “Gun control forces are continuing to push for even more unconstitutional measures [even as we lock them up for corruption] that would further restrict our right to keep and bear arms.”

The SAFE Act, which was passed by the state legislature and signed into law by the Governor on Jan. 15, 2013, was in violation of state law for bypassing the required 3-day review period. Under the guise of a “message of necessity” Cuomo, by executive fiat, ignored that law and turned law-abiding gun owners into criminals with the brush of a pen.

Marchione, a proud gun owner who enjoys target shooting, said she introduced two comprehensive bills (S.1193 and S.1476) that would completely repeal the SAFE Act.

“Even though we face continued strong opposition from the Governor and anti-Second Amendment downstate legislators – especially in the Assembly where they have control – passage of these bills remains a priority for me,” she said. “This is an important fight for the personal safety and security of all New Yorkers.”

Particularly in light of the recent terror attacks both in Paris and on our homeland, she said the people must be vigilant. “There is no question that our Second Amendment freedoms are more important than ever.”

Thomas H. King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, said there is an expectation of the passage of meaningful SAFE Act reforms in the 2016 session. “This is nonnegotiable.” NYSRPA is the largest National Rifle Association state association in the nation with over 41,000 members.

“American citizens who just happen to reside in New York are demanding their Second Amendment rights be respected and protected,” said King. “We will be in the streets and in the courts to see this fight through.”

NYSRPA, along with its co-plaintiffs, filed a lawsuit against Cuomo and N.Y.S. for violating both the state and the U.S. Constitutions.

Marchione, who filed an Amicus Brief in support of their lawsuit, said NYSRPA are terrific partners. “The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association do very important, and appreciated, work advocating for our right to keep and bear arms.”

King, who is running for reelection to the NRA Board 2016, is a true patriot and a proven leader, she said. “He is one of the most respected and authoritative voices in the vital effort to preserve and protect the Second Amendment rights of all New Yorkers.”

Their lawsuit is moving in the courts and he expects it to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, said King. “We are in a perfect position to take the appeal to the Supreme Court which we had planned on doing right from the beginning.”

Joining N.Y.S. in these efforts are NJ, CA and IL who have similar actions that fight state usurpation of gun rights, he said. “Those cases will be joined together in our appeal to the Supreme Court which will make for a much more compelling and encompassing suit for the rights of all the people of the United States.”

Since there are contradictory rulings in various courts as to how far the state’s can regulate firearm use, he said they are hoping this will insure acceptance by the court. “Justices don’t like ambiguity; they don’t like splits in various courts.”

The Second Amendment is a fundamental right, said Marchione. “The right to keep and bear arms is about our God-given right to defend our families, our property and our very lives.”


About Raquel Okyay

Raquel Okyay is a political columnist and commentator. She is frequently published at Human Events, Bearing Arms and Rockland County Times. You can follow her on twitter @RQPoliticalBlog