Chilling animated short tells the tale of the Chosin Few (VIDEO)

Veterans Expeditionary Media and HOPR studios have created a short film to convey the horror of the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir through the eyes of a young Marine during the Korean War.

The short is an adaptation of Richard Meyer’s graphic novel Chosin: Hold the Line and tells the true story of Marine PFC Billy French, one of the 5,000 Marines rushed to Korea without having first gone through boot camp. Relegated to serving as a mail clerk in a unit full of WWII vets, French was deep in his work dropping off letters and packages among Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines when 150,000 Chinese “volunteers” from among the most experienced soldiers in the People’s Army rushed through the hellish winter weather and fell upon the 15,000 Americans holding the line near the Chosin Reservoir.

Fox 2/7 held their strategic position at Toktong Pass, remembered to history as “Fox Hill,” keeping the 5th Marine Regiment and the 7th Marine Regiment from getting cut off. The intense fighting turned into a break out from the encirclement and strategic withdrawal back to the UN lines covered by F4U Corsairs dropping napalm on Chinese positions. The handful of Marines who survived to tell the tale are known as the Chosin Few.

Veterans Expeditionary Media donates a portion of all proceeds for its work to a number of veterans advocacy groups to include the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.

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