Chicago Public Media: ‘Chicago police throw away $2 million a year in potential gun sales’ (AUDIO)

For emotional, political and ideological reasons, the Chicago Police Department destroys firearms that are confiscated at crime scenes. While city and law enforcement officials see destroying the illegal guns as the only option — “one less gun on the street” — a neighboring town sees a way to increase revenue: sell the guns.

Chicago police take about 10,000 firearms off the street year after year, which are taken from an assortment of criminals like gang members, drug dealers and run-of-the-mill thugs. 

At $200 a pop, St. Charles, a town about 40 miles away from Chicago, sold the 15 guns stored in its police department’s evidence room and generated $3,200 extra in revenue. If Chicago’s more than 10,000 guns followed suit, the sale would generate $2 million.

[ WBEZ 91.5 ]

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