Cardinal Center Archery Range Grand Opening This Saturday

Cardinal Center Archery Range Grand Opening This Saturday

U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance
U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance

Marengo, Ohio – -( This Saturday, September 12, 2009, marks the Grand Opening of the Cardinal Archery Range at the Cardinal Shooting Center in Marengo, Ohio. Participants will be treated to a 25 target, state of the art 3-D range, featuring Delta targets from Cabela’s.

This range offers a state of the art experience for new and seasoned bow hunters, offering an opportunity for them to try their skills on a fully wooded, walk through course. Registration runs from 9am to noon with a treestand shoot beginning at 1:30pm. There will be prizes, raffles, and concessions. The cost for each shoot is only $5.00. In addition, open trapshooting for shot gun enthusiasts is available from 10am – 4pm at the practice range. The cost is only $4.00 for 25 birds.

The Cardinal Shooting Center is one of the nation’s premier shooting facilities and is home to the 3rd largest trap range in the country while also serving as home to the Ohio State Trapshooting Association.

The Cardinal Center Campground is open and borders the archery range.

The Grand Opening event is a joint effort between Cardinal Archery Range, Cabela’s Inc., the Ohio Division of Wildlife, and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance. For more information contact Jeff Watkins at 740-348-6631 or

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website,