By Pyper Unitt, CEO
Canadian Firearms Institute
Canada – -( Dear American Friends,
As a Canadian Firearms owner that has enjoyed the hospitality of your country many, many, times, I’d like to offer an explanation of why our Border guards are asking you to leave your guns at home.
After spending years enjoying the company of American shooters, I now think I understand the difference between us with respect to firearms and perhaps why it exists.
For many of you strapping on your gun, is a kin to putting on your pants – it’s just part of your daily routine. Carrying a firearm for the purposes of personal protection is just natural to you, and I understand that and have no arguments with it whatsoever and I am a member of the NRA.
Naturally, when visiting another country – you would want to take that protection with you – but you can’t. Not for protection purposes.
In Canada, individuals can own and possess firearms for three reasons only – sport shooting, hunting or collecting.
The laws are federal and apply to every Canadian the same way. We must take safety courses and apply for a license. Background checks are run on each licensee to ensure two main things; the individual does not have a criminal record and secondly, the individual has no signs of mental instability. The types of firearms we can own is severely limited. The number of individuals that can own a firearm for the purposes of personal protection in Canada is almost zero.
I could go into a huge explanation of why we don’t have the ability to use our firearms for personal protection – but the easiest way to explain it is to simply say that while we have violent crime (1% of all crimes in Canada), less than one percent of that involves the use of a firearm.
Our crimes against persons are seldom stranger on stranger. The threat of harm comes from within our personal circles and is generally related to criminal activities. Therefore, the general Canadian public believes it has no need to defend themselves because the likelihood of being harmed is very unlikely statistically.
I am not saying I agree with this – I am just telling you how it is at the moment. Just like me when I take my firearms to your country – you need to fill out some forms and wait for permission.
All of the details of how this can be done can be found on the RCMP Canadian Firearms Program website. The address is: .
If you need help, or have questions, they are happy to help you through the paperwork. You can also send an email to our office – and we will be happy to give you a hand.
Pyper Unitt is the CEO of the Canadian Firearms Institute, a national grass-roots member driven advocacy and resource organization for the Canadian Firearms Community.