Can You Defend Yourself from Something Unimaginable? More Self Defense Gun Stories

Red Flag Mental Health Watch List Mass Murder iStock-1050228748
Red Flag Mental Health Watch List Mass Murder iStock-1050228748

U.S.A.– ( You didn’t see this news covered by the mainstream media, but again this week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Elizabeth Hautman joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they well trained? (23-minute audio)

These victims saved lives because they had a gun..and good habits.

First story-  Are you armed as you go shopping?

You’re walking out of a store in a small strip mall in the middle of the afternoon. You turn when you hear gunshots. At first you run away, but then you notice a woman who is shooting at people standing outside one of the stores. You duck down, but she keeps shooting at people who are yelling for her to stop. You’re armed. You draw and shoot the attacker. She drops her gun and gets into her car. You call the police and remain at the scene. You shout for everyone to call the police. The police arrest you, take you for questioning, look at the security videos, and release you.

The woman argued with people at one of the businesses, left the area, and came back with a gun and started shooting.

Second Story-  Are you armed at home?

You met a woman on a dating site. You agreed to meet, but she wanted to bring a female friend of hers for safety. You let them inside. Your date’s friend walked to the back of your house. A minute later, your dog starts barking and growling. A strange man is standing in your kitchen. The stranger has a rifle pointed at you. You run, draw your gun, and shoot at your attacker. The three robbers run. You call police and EMTs. You’re shot and go to the hospital with non life threatening injuries.

The police visit nearby hospitals looking for your attackers.

Third story- Are you armed on the street?

You’re walking through downtown a little after 9pm. Two men walk up to you and one of them is armed. He points a gun at you and tells you to give him everything. You have your Illinois concealed weapons license. You’re armed. You dig in your pockets, and then pull out your firearm and shoot at your attackers. They run, and so do you. You call the police.

The police told you that your attackers robbed two stores and hijacked a car, all in the half hour before they tried to rob you.

Fourth story- Do you have a firearm nearby at night?

You’re in bed when you hear a loud crash and your house shakes. You wake up and hear someone on your back porch. You climb out of bed and grab your pistol. Someone is banging on your back door. You shout that you’re armed and to go away. A moment later, the intruder smashes the glass out of your back door and comes inside. You shoot him and he runs away to the kitchen. You hold him at gunpoint and call the police. The police were already on their way because your intruder tried to break into your neighbor’s house.

When the police arrive, they tell you to put away your gun and go to the other end of the house. They try to arrest your intruder. The intruder fights with the police and runs out your kitchen door. You were replacing the outside kitchen stairs so your intruder falls 9 feet to the ground.

Now the police put their suspect in handcuffs and shackles and send him to the hospital. Your attacker was charged with home invasion, burglary, three counts of felony obstruction and one count of disorderly conduct. He was out on bail and has a 20 page history of contacts with the police.

Links and text of the discussion at the podcast webpage.

Slow FactsAbout Rob Morse

Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.

Elizabeth Hautman instructs at her private range in Black Forest, Colorado. Contact her at Colorado Boots Firearms Instruction.