Can We Succeed In Our Fight To Maintain Shooting Sports, Hunting, And The Lawful Ownership Of Firearms
by Paul Baumann
Wisconsin –-( If you read the newspaper everyday, you can become very frightened by the future. That’s because never a day goes by that someone does not try to take away one of our freedoms in the name of safety, or political correctness, or whatever.
Opponents to our freedoms are well organized and strong. I know that “I” cannot do anything to stop them. Only a strong “WE” can serve as a defense against a strong “THEY”.
This month, I watched a club meeting at which members argued relentlessly over a relatively meaningless issue. Board members of an association to which I belong, ripped each other apart by email, including attacks on personal integrity, all over a minor issue. It’s not just me, you’ve all seen it. This is where I see our weakness. “WE” (those who pull a trigger) just can’t seem to get along with each other. It’s true at the local club level, the state level, and even the national level.
For us to succeed in this never ending battle to defend our freedoms, we must find a way to set aside petty differences of opinion and focus on the real goals.
Today WI-FORCE is an active force in Madison, and the NRA is a force in Washington, but our strength is in numbers so we must band together to succeed. It doesn’t matter if you like EVERYTHING the NRA does or what the WRPA/Wi-FORCE did in the past, now is the time to join together to make a strong “WE”.
Ask your family, friends, fellow hunters, etc., if they are members of the NRA and most importantly WI-FORCE. It is the simplest thing anyone can do to be a part of the “WE” in Wisconsin.
Wi-FORCE promotes and protects the shooting sports, hunting, and the lawful ownership and use of firearms in Wisconsin. We coordinate match schedules of member clubs, sanction the state championship matches, monitor and recommend legislation, and provide training and educational programs for our members, competitors and Wisconsin shooters. Wi-FORCE supports the interaction and education of all individuals and groups interested in the shooting sports and the natural right of citizens to own arms. Visit: