California State Senate Announces Aggressive Gun Control Bill Package

California Outdoor Heritage Alliance
California Outdoor Heritage Alliance

SACRAMENTO, CA –-( Earlier today, the California State Senate held a press conference, at the State Capitol, announcing an aggressive package of new bills that include measures to ban the possession of magazines holding more than ten rounds, require individuals to surrender all banned magazines to the government, require gun and ammunition registration, and ban the sale of rifles that have a detachable magazine.

During the press conference, President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg made it very clear that the Senate’s package of gun control legislation is a high priority for him and expressed confidence in passing the measures out of the Senate. President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg also wants to pass these gun bills as quickly as possible. Given the Democrats supermajority in the Assembly and the Senate, it is possible for these bills to pass as an urgency package and become law in a few short months.

California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) staff is closely monitoring all legislation as it is introduced. Legislators have until February 22nd to introduce bills. It should be noted that, with two weeks remaining before the bill introduction deadline, 18 gun control bills have already been introduced.

COHA will continue to keep our membership closely updated of all developments relating to gun legislation and other proposed legislation which could impact wildlife conservation and the future of our hunting heritage.

The California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) is a partnership of conservation organizations, outdoor industry, other related interests and individuals who support science-based wildlife management and the preservation of our hunting rights in California. COHA is a 501(c)4 Political Advocacy organization dedicated solely to influencing legislative, regulatory and administrative policy decisions which promote wildlife conservation and our outdoor heritage. For more information about COHA, visit