California Hate Crime Gun Bill another Incremental Disarmament Tactic

By David Codrea

The new witch trials: Accuse, conflate, smear, disarm. A “hater” is whoever the Cultural Marxists accuse of being one. (The Betsy Riot/Facebook)
David Codrea in his natural habitat.

USA – -( California State Legislature sends Governor Brown a bill to disarm hate crimes,” a media advisory from Democrat Assemblymember Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr. announced Monday. “After receiving no ‘no’ votes in both houses, AB 785, the Disarm Hate Act, will close the loophole that exists within our gun control laws by adding hate crimes to the list of misdemeanors that result in a ban on the right to possess a firearm for ten years from the date of conviction.”

No “no” votes? So much for any Republicans having the guts to not be intimidated by a “progressive” narrative that’s long on virtue signaling and devoid of proportionality. Especially when considering the evisceration of the most fundamental of rights.

“Existing law makes it a misdemeanor to, by force or threat of force, interfere with another person’s free exercise of any constitutional right or privilege because of the other person’s actual or perceived race, religion, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation,” the bill’s overview explains. In the case of the Second Amendment, the State means to do more than just “interfere.”


Like saying “fist of truth”?

Isn’t the whole charge often subjective, and something a person of lesser means might not have the wherewithal to effectively fight and appeal? And haven’t we seen evidence of manipulated reports to gin up public outrage by those with ve$ted intere$t$?

Haven’t we seen outright fraud?

But isn’t “hate” bad?

Of course it is.  And there are laws to deal with those acting on it, against threats, assault and murder…

But the thing is, “progressives” are always adding to the list of what qualifies as “hate.” We see daily accusations that Donald Trump and his supporters are racists, and fascists who shouldn’t be allowed to speak because “hate speech is not free speech.” Conservatives become fair game “for some Nazi pounding.”

No hate there, right? Ideological cleansing doesn’t count.

Who remembers being told by some useful idiot that the only reason you didn’t vote for Obama is because he’s black?

And guess what Shannon Watts means by “Disarm Hate.”

The other thing is, we’re talking about a misdemeanor. There has been no evidence presented that a newly-prohibited person has been a danger to himself or others, and thus no disarmament based on a compelling state interest. So much for strict scrutiny when a Bill of Rights entitlement is being stripped.

And it’s not just California.

“[S]ix other states already have a law like this in place: Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Oregon,” Sacramento’s KXTV ABC 10 reported. And at the national level, H.R.2841, the so-called “Disarm Hate Act” (sponsored entirely by Democrats), was “referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations” in July.

BFFs: “Strong supporter of the Second Amendment” Bob Casey and ally in citizen disarmament Chuck Schumer. (Bob Casey/Twitter)

And that’s not the half of it. Back in June of last year I reported on phony “Strong supporter of the Second Amendment” Senator Bob Casey, a “Republican,” Democrat who wants to:

“[P]rohibit the sale of firearms to anyone reasonably suspected to be guilty of a misdemeanor hate crime.”

Let that sink in.

And not to be outdone by anyone when it comes to abandoning all pretext of believing in due process, last month the American Bar Association House of Delegates approved a resolution recommending disarming American citizens based on accusations of “hate crimes” and being a threat.

So the disarmament bar moves from felony conviction to misdemeanor to accusation, and you’re supposed to roll over and take it. And if you do put up a squawk, why, that must make you a hater, meaning you need to be disarmed.


About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.