USA – Thank you for making our 2018 Summer Auction one to remember!
The extraordinary mallard hen and drake by the Caines Brothers, combined, sold for over $1.1 million: the hen at $767,000, a world auction record for the carvers, and the drake at $377,600.
Prices were strong throughout, with the auction grossing just under $3.5 million. Four lots sold for over $100,000 and 51 lots sold for over $10,000.
Other highlights from the sale include an exceptional Canada goose by Enoch Reindahl selling for $153,400 – a world auction record for the carver, a Canada goose by Nathan Cobb, Jr selling for $118,000, and a feeding yellowlegs by Lothrop Holmes selling for $82,600.
Our next sale will be held November 7 and 8 2018 in Easton, Maryland in conjunction with the Easton Waterfowl Festival. We are currently accepting consignments for the November and future sales.
About Guyette & Deeter
Established in 1984, Guyette & Deeter, Inc. has held over 120 live auctions, realizing over $160 million in sales of decoys, paintings, and related sporting items. Our firm has handled the most important decoys and collections in North America and we have set nearly all of the world records in these categories: duck and shorebird decoys, fish decoys and plaques, duck calls and crow calls, decorative carvings, shotgun shell boxes, salesman sample canoes, and other related items.
Visit their website.