Bulls Bag MOLLE X7 Shooting Rest
- Quality ****
- Reliability ****
- Price/Value ***
- Referability ****
- Average Score-3.75 stars out of 5
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USA –-(Ammoland.com)- The Bulls Bag X7 Shooting Rest systems is like the transformer of shooting rests. The name X7 comes from the seven bags that make up the shooting rest system.
This basically allows you to configure a rest no matter your firearm or shooting style preference.
New to the X7 bag line is the X7 with MOLLE Webbing in three color variations OD-Green with Camo MOLLE Webbing, OD-Green with OD Green Webbing and all Black.
The X7 consists of one big bag that works as a great rest if you want a higher rest. This works great for any AR shooters or any other rifle with a box magazine or pistol grip. Once you set your rifle into the suede top bag and spread the feet of the bag out, you get a very sturdy rest. You can also pull apart the two bottom bags place the top bag back on the rest and this will give you a very sturdy low profile rest. Both of these configurations form the Butterfly type grip that Bulls Bag is known for in their line of rests.
If you are looking to change up your shooting platform its time to start taking the bags apart. There are numerous shooting configurations that you can make to fit your shooting needs.
The two side bags can be pulled apart and when you turn them upside down, each one has a suede indention that can be used as a rest. Inside each of the side bags is an owl ear style bag and a rectangular bag.
With the bags apart and in different configurations you can start changing the rest platforms up. Some of the more popular configurations include a window rest, toe and heel configuration, pistol rest and stacking the bags. You can see the different variations in action in this video.
Besides a rest for any firearm, the X7 also has some features that help it stand out above other rests. When the bag is all put together, it not only holds your rifle in place, it helps reduce felt recoil. The X7 does this because it has such a large grip on the forearm of your firearm and the recoil is absorbed into the bag.
The X7 with MOLLE Webbing also has several D-Rings on the bags so they can be carried out to the field individually. The bag also has a padded strap to carry it to the shooting bench.
The X7 does take some getting used to at first. If you are familiar with the traditional toe and heel shooting rest, the butterfly grip design may seem a bit awkward but is something you will get used to. Depending on your shooting set up you may need to bring a piece of wood to prop up the front of the bag. If you are shooting on a flat range it isn’t needed but my range has some slope to it. Sure you can angle the rifle out of the bag a little bit but I think it defeats the purpose of the forearm grip design. I just keep a 2×4 handy when I take long shots and this works well for my set up.
The X7 can be purchased filled or unfilled from Bulls Bag. If you purchase it prefilled it weighs about 30 pounds. That may seem heavy but the one bag system and strap make it a lot easier to carry to the range then a big metal rest and bags of lead.
If you purchase the bag unfilled, Bulls Bag recommends filling the X7 with kitty litter. This makes the bag lighter than filling it with sand and still performs the same. I have noticed over time that the kitty litter breaks down a little bit so you may need to add some from time to time.
Bulls Bag also offers a lifetime guarantee against any manufacturer’s defects. If the bag seams come apart and it leaks under normal use, they will replace your bag.
If you are looking to get a new rest, the Bulls Bag X7 with MOLLE Webbing should be one to check out. It is an investment though with an unfilled bag costing $229.00 plus shipping and a filled bag is $259.00 plus shipping.
Make sure to see the bag in action in this video so you can see the different rest configurations in action.
- Quality: The X7 is very well made and has a lifetime guarantee against manufacturer’s defects.
- Reliability: I like the bag a lot but it does take some getting used to. So far I haven’t had any problems with it.
- Price/Value: It’s not cheap, but it’s not a cheaply made product. If you are looking to make a quality rest purchase take a look at the X7.
- Referability: If you are need of a good rest this may be the one for you. Like I said before it takes some getting used to and I know that some people just don’t like the rest style. If you don’t like the butterfly grip design of the X7 just take it apart and make a to and heel rest configuration.