Manasquan, NJ – -( winner of AmmoLand New’s most recent Brownells Retro XBRN177E2 Carbine Rifle Giveaway is AmmoLand reader Kenneth H. of Ohio.
“I wish to extend my thanks to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Brownells for their gift to me. It is really appreciated” says Ken.
“We are very happy to see that Ken is the winner, he is a loyal AmmoLand News subscriber and we are thrilled that he is the new owner of one of the coolest rifles we have given away this year” said AmmoLand Editor, Fredy Riehl.
Out of 80,000 plus eligible AmmoLand News subscribers, Kenneth was the lucky guy to get his name pulled from the hat! He now has a very cool, brand-new, Brownells Retro XBRN177E2 Carbine Rifle to keep by his bed.
If you have not seen our recent review on this new line of guns you can read recent range report and Retro XBRN177E2 Carbine Rifle details here.
Thank you to our sponsors at for making available an excellent product for our readers.
At AmmoLand News we love our readers and supporters! We are delighted to have so many rock solid and loyal fans. We wish we could give every one of you a new rifle, but we can give you a chance to win the next one. Please if you have not already done so, be sure and subscribe to our email newsletter, so we make sure you are in our system for our next awesome gun giveaway. (rumored to be a high-end long-range tack driving rifle).