Brady Campaign First to Jump In The Blood of Charleston Mass Shooting

Charleston Mass Shooting
Worshippers embrace following a group prayer across the street from the scene of a shooting at Emanuel AME Church, Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. A white man, Dylann Roof, opened fire during a prayer meeting inside the historic black church, killing multiple people, including the pastor, in an assault that authorities described as a hate crime. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( The Brady Campaign’s President Dan Gross, was the first of many gun ban groups that can not wait to jump in the blood of the horrific Charleston Church mass murder.

Using inflated gun death numbers while calling for universal background checks and targeting / harassment of lawful gun shops, Dan Gross, stated:

“We are shocked, saddened, and horrified by this senseless shooting and apparent hate crime.

“The facts of this tragedy remain under investigation, and there is still a lot that we don’t know. What we know is that every day, 88 lives are lost in shootings across our nation. Most of these tragedies are preventable through sensible solutions that just keep guns out of the wrong hands: solutions like expanding Brady background checks on all gun sales, and shutting down the small number of ‘bad apple’ gun dealers that supply almost all crime guns.”

There was no mention of the fact that background checks would not have stopped a single one of the recent mass shooting in the USA, but why should facts matter when your only agenda is to take away peoples right to self defense.

Luckily, Police said they have arrested Dylann Storm Roof, the suspected killer of nine people at an historic black church in Charleston. Roof, 21, is from Lexington, South Carolina, and was taken into custody in Shelby County, North Carolina.

Stay tuned as more gun banners including the president pile on in the hours to come.

Dylann Roof
Suspected Killer Dylann Roof