Boston Knife Ban – Action Needed

Boston Knife Ban – Action Needed

KNIFE CONTROL - Boston Knife Ban - Action Needed
American Knife & Tool Institute
American Knife & Tool Institute

BOSTON, MA –-( In response to the Boston City Council’s current interest in further controlling knife sales in their city, the American Knife & Tool Institute has hired a Boston lobby firm to stop any further restrictive control of knives.

The Council has introduced a proposal that would require an additional license of retail stores that sell knives within the city limits.

While the proponents believe such an ordinance would improve public safety for the citizens of Boston, AKTI believes that such a measure would discourage knife sales and limit the individual’s right to purchase responsible and much needed tools. It is an inequitable and misguided effort that we oppose.

If you live in Boston, sell knives, or operate a business there, we need to you act now. Contact Mayor Menino’s Office at (617) 635-4500 and your Boston City Councilperson (617) 635-4500.

When the person answers the phone tell them that you reside, work or own a business at (give them your address) and you would like to speak to the City Council member who represents your district. Express your concern in a polite manner.

This is just our first step to defeat this anti-knife and anti-business proposal.

NEEDED – $10,000
The cost just for this part of our Boston effort is $10,000. AKTI is working on several other legislative initiatives for the upcoming year. We have people effectively working behind the scenes in several states volunteering their efforts on behalf of the entire knife community. In order to keep protecting knife rights for all of the industry and every knife owner, your contributions are needed to fund this fight. Please do what you can and contribute to AKTI’s Legislative Fund today.

For more details on the Boston situation and updates go to

Check out this month’s AKTI online auction knife – a Gerber Gator Folder, “Most Innovative Knife of the Year” at the 1991 Blade Show, donated by Gerber. The current bid is only $25 and the auction ends October 31st. This is a chance to contribute to the AKTI Legislative Fund and own a great knife!

Thanks to CRKT for the donation of an Onion Skinner which added $72 to the AKTI Legislative Fund. We appreciate the generous contributions and membership of CRKT as a member of the Board of Regents.

Jan Billeb
AKTI Executive Director
(307) 587-8296
AKTI – Keeping Knives in American Lives

The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) is a non-profit organization (501(c)6) representing all segments of the knife industry and all knife users. Formed by concerned industry leaders after considerable discussion with individual knifemakers, knife magazine publishers, and a broad section of the knife community, AKTI has been the reasonable and responsible voice of the knife community since 1998. For more about AKTI, please see our website at