Blue Flu On New Years Eve? Be Careful What Race-Baiters Wish For

By Major Van Harl USAF Ret

Civil Unrest
Blue Flu On New Years Eve? Be Careful What Race-Baiters Wish For
Major Van Harl USAF Ret
Major Van Harl USAF Ret

Wisconsin –-(  Something you need to understand in life: the only people who have to show up no matter what–are the members of the military.

If they do not show up when ordered to do so, and then follow the directions of the leaders appointed over them, no matter how misguided that leadership might be, they go to jail or they could get shot in time of war.

EMTs who have been directed to your house to provide you emergency medical help, because you have failed to look after your own health and are overweight, out-of-shape and a by-choice chain smoker do not have to walk into your residence that smells like a dead ashtray, and fix your sick person.

Just because you have decided to smoke in bed or failed to maintain the electrical wiring in your home, firemen do not have to risk their lives to save you as your uninsured twenty year old trailer house is going up in smoke.

Just because the police have responded to your home a half a dozen times in the past year for your domestic issues, the next time your brother-in-law is trying to kill you for getting into his “stash” of recreational drugs, the local cops do not have to speed over to your home and stand between two relatives pointing handguns at each other.

I know you think that the few taxes you pay go directly to the local first responders, and that puts those EMTs, firefighters and cops on personal- standby to meet your every 9-1-1 need.

I say again they do not have to come if they decide not to, no matter how much you scream about your “rights.”

The college educated K-12 teacher that you believe is there to raise your children, because you are not very good at it, does not have to show up in your child’s classroom. Now granted teachers are public employees and the school districts have a contract with those educators to be there to help shape and mold young minds, but a lot of them choose not to report to work (after all it is their sick leave). Throw in a crisis like bad weather or the desire to go to the state capital and protest on a school day, (still expecting to get paid) and you will really figure out that teachers don’t have to show up.

Did you know in the military you can be prosecuted and sent to prison for what is called “failure to go or missing a movement”? This has nothing to do with your digestive system.

If the Department of Defense tells you to be someplace at a specific time or directs you to move out smartly going from point A to point B and if you do not follow these orders,–you can go to jail.

Striking, liberal grade school teachers who are directed by their school leadership to get out of the capital and get back in the classroom or else, do not go to jail when they fail to be there the next school day to teach your little Tommy.

Now all of the above people could face administrative discipline or even be fired for not performing their assigned work duties, but they are not going to prison and they know it. They may lose their employment, their retirement, their healthcare coverage, and perhaps their self respect if they run like cowards in time of crisis, but they do not get put against a wall and shot at sun rise.

First responders know going in that they have chosen to be in a service providing profession that can put them in danger. Look at all the stories of first responders who knew the twin towers in New York were coming down, but still volunteered to rush in and try and save lives.

The country needs to stop and rethink all the protesting going on now that the two police officers have been assassinated. It is one thing to be willing to risk your life for the public if they appreciate and yes even deserve your dying support. However, when public sentiment and the political sentiment turns against the police–remember the cops do not have to risk their lives to protect you.

Have you ever heard of the “blue-flu”? It is a way the rank and file police can demonstrate their unhappiness with the leadership of their city. They just call in sick, en masse and suddenly there are too few police to protect the streets.

Every New Year’s Eve as many as a million people can descend on Times Square in New York City. If New York’s Finest feel they are in danger, and that the leadership of the city is not backing them, could you imagine a 48 hour case of the “blue flu”?

The public cries out about being over-policed, try being under-policed on New Year’s Eve in NYC. In many states if the cops are not there, the citizens can get out their own firearms and protect life and property, but not in New York City. So if the cops are out “sick” and the law abiding residents cannot exercise their 2nd amendment right, who do you think will take advantage of that little crisis situation?

Over-policed, under-policed or no police, how well do you figure you will fair in that scenario?

Major Van Harl USAF Ret. / 23 Dec 2014 /

About Major Van Harl USAF Ret.:Major Van E. Harl USAF Ret., a career Police Officer in the U.S. Air Force was born in Burlington, Iowa, USA, in 1955. He was the Deputy Chief of police at two Air Force Bases and the Commander of Law Enforcement Operations at another. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School.  A retired Colorado Ranger and currently is an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Cudahy PD in Milwaukee County, WI.  His efforts now are directed at church campus safely and security training.  He believes “evil hates organization.”