Bloomberg and Hollywood: A Love Story
Filmmaker and YouTuber, Billy Johnson’s new video exposes the connection between the powerful people in Hollywood and the anti-gun movement
Traverse City, MI ( – Billy Johnson, former National Rifle Association News Commentator and pro-liberty advocate wants to remind responsible gun owners that the next time they purchase a movie ticket, they may be supporting anti-gun groups. In a series of newly leaked emails from wikileaks, John Feinblatt, head of “Everytown for Gun Safety,” a Michael Bloomberg anti-gun group, and Michael Lynton, the CEO of Sony Entertainment demonstrate their intentions to manipulate the national conversation regarding our 2nd Amendment and their agenda towards national gun control.
Billy’s new video Bloomberg and Hollywood: A Love Story, reveals the contents and intentions of the leaked Sony emails from wikileaks. Their goal is simple. Have people believe that crime and violence are out of control, that their children are at risk and it’s all because of guns. But the statistics show something strikingly different. Crime is decreasing, significantly.
You’ll never see a Hollywood production on the reality of crime and violence and what really causes it. It will only be through your support that the truth can be made public. “Protecting Liberty,” a full-length documentary by Billy Johnson will unveil the cover-ups, misleading data and outright lies that Hollywood and other powerful political organizations are using to dismantle your natural rights. Instead of buying another movie ticket supporting an anti-gun agenda, put your dollars to work and support the “Protecting Liberty” project.
Please show your support by donating to the Protecting Liberty Kickstarter campaign at And visit Billy’s YouTube site AmidsTheNoise for his latest video.