Black Man With A Gun Reloaded – New Book

Black Man With A Gun Reloaded
Black Man With A Gun Reloaded

Upper Marlboro, MD –-(  Black Man With A Gun: Reloaded ( )  is the revised edition of the book that was written fourteen years ago by Rev. Ken Blanchard.

This time it is published by White Feather Press and contains the details that couldn’t be said in the original by the gun rights activist, podcaster and blogger known as the Black Man With A Gun.

In 2000, while working as the sextant of a metropolitan church in DC, that ultimately became a minister, he wrote the first edition, as a primer for anyone looking to learn about the controversial subject of gun ownership from the perspective of a Christian law enforcement officer and firearms instructor living in the city.

Since then he has been on hundreds of radio shows and debated gun prohibitionist on national television.

Now free to tell it, Blanchard shares personal stories and struggles beginning with his family life, humorous stories of being a US Marine that ended up at the Central Intelligence Agency as well as lessons learned as a an African American gun rights activist.

He’ll make you laugh, shake your head and understand the journey that makes him one of the most loved personalities in the gun community.  You’ll see his take on gun control history as he makes it personal and takes you where few have dared to tread.  And it’s informative, he’ll help the new shooter with an appendix of terms and jargon that “old salts” think everybody knows.

This book will entertain you and teach you.  You see the struggle of a Baptist preacher defending the Second Amendment and what it cost him over the past twenty years.  This book talks to all of America with even a special message to the GLBT community.

Blanchard has been around and involved in the gun rights movement since 1991 when he first testified for concealed carry reform in Richmond, Virginia.  He has been there and in the background for many of the nations latest triumphs.  Get the inside scoop on what he thinks and has discovered in this easy to read book available on book paperback and Kindle versions.

Kenn Blanchard is a contributer to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Producer of the Urban Shooter pod cast. In addition Kenn Blanchard is a pro-gun media producer & marketing profesional that helps small businesses by providing information, entertainment , inspiration and support to the sport shooting community through blogs, voice -over, podcasting and professional speaking. Visit: