U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- I first met Maj Toure in July of 2017 as I meet most folks these days: over the internets! Maj Co-Founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2016 and was very loudly championing The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear Arms!
BGM is an Educational Non-Profit Organization advocating the Second Amendment and promoting responsible firearms ownership to Black and urban communities around the United States. The brash North Philadelphia born and raised, dreadlocked rapper, was quickly gaining popularity in the Gun Community with his philosophy of solutions and self-reliance when it comes to ever-present conflicts and mistrust minority communities deal with in regards to crime, violence, policing and protecting our families. So folks were reaching out to me assuming that I obviously golfed with him every weekend at the local country club. Jokes aside, you’ll find if you want to reach out to Maj Toure, he’s really easy to communicate with through social media, just don’t bring that smoke! If you don’t know what that means it roughly translates into check yourself before you wreck yourself fool – I’m old school.
Anyway, back in the day, I reached out to Maj through the BGM socials, invited him onto Episode 5 of the Who Moved My Freedom Podcast and we’ve been friends and allies in this everlasting fight for freedom for all ever since then. The message has spread and the mission has grown over the last three years for Black Guns Matter. Recently Antonia Okafor, National Spokesperson And Director Of Outreach for Gun Owners Of America invited us both so sit on a panel entitled: Is The Second Amendment Really For Everyone? put on at the Libertarian National Convention in Orlando and hosted by Party Vice Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen.
After the panel, Lola and I took the opportunity of us all being in the same place to do this sit down interview with Maj and update the readers of Ammoland News and my Viewers on YouTube with The Man, The Organization, and The Mission.
On the subject of the latter question of the 2A, as we both iterated in the video: The Second Amendment Is Absolutely For Everyone!
As recent tragic and violent events in our country have unfolded all compounded by the Covid-19 Lockdown, I hope we all realize that we need Actions and Solutions more than we need Rhetoric and Symbolic gestures to keep our Great Nation moving forward. In our sit-down, the question I wanted most to ask was: After four years of activism, outreach, and training, for Black Guns Matter and Maj Toure is the mission accomplished? Have we in the Gun Community pitched in and done our part to support the effort to ensure that The Second Amendment is indeed For All People and that all are welcomed and nurtured here?
According to Maj (as you’ll hear in the video) BGM’s objectives have grown from one introductory class in Philly to a Thirteen City Tour and now to a Nationwide Outreach Effort. In 2020 the mission for Maj Toure is to raise a million dollars, and depending on your perspective that’s either too little, too much, or not enough! Considering that a well known Pro Second Amendment Organization spent just as much or more paying for custom-tailored suits for it top executives in one year, I personally feel the money would have been better put to use at BGM Empowering our Brothers and Sisters in Arms. Maj has already raised and given back to our community at large close to three hundred thousand dollars in the form of training, locations for events, ammunition, as well other material costs necessary to put on classed around the country. If you’re a fan of Maj and Black Guns Matter or even if you just discovered him here, you owe it to yourself to check out our video (it is just 20 minutes) and you can help support BGM by following this link to their GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/blackgunsmatter
2A Panel Discussion At Libertarian Convention
About Hank Strange
Hank Strange is an Enthusiastic Supporter of The Second Amendment, An Avid Filmmaker, Writer, Blogger, Music Producer, and Digital Artist: Hank is a Prolific YouTube Content Creator having Published over 1000 Videos to date relating to Lifestyle in the realms of Firearms, Cars, and Technology. A Proud American Citizen Since 2003 Hank was born of Mixed Race Parentage (his Father having African Ancestry and his Mother being of East Indian Ancestry amongst others) in Guyana, South America. He has traveled to a few places in the world with his Family living in London, England, and Nigeria in West Africa before settling in NYC. Hank & His Wife Lola are both Federal Firearms Licensees and currently live and work in Florida. Passionately Pursuing The Lifestyles Of The Locked And Loaded! Tune in to the daily Gun Culture News “Podshow” Who Moved my Freedom Podcast (WMMF) on the LIfestyles of the Locked and Loaded youtube channel. Hank’s work can also be seen on www.youtube.com/user/hankstrange/featured, Facebook www.facebook.com/hank.strange.77, Instagram instagram.com/hankstrange, his Personal Blog hankstrange.com, and other Social Media.